As Ez says. Your plant was triggered by lack of light. As transplant only really shocks autos into an early flip. (Not that you should, I'm just pointing out. Stress can cause early flip, but not with a fem) overcast or you're not getting enough light for 14hrs a day min is needed to keep a fem in veg. Say a few hrs she's blocked out by the sun for say 20m, (that won't be an Issue) as Photochrome takes 2hrs in a natural outdoor environment, as it does in a tent. That's the time it takes your plant to be fully out of umol to support a photosynthesis reaction.. so you're in the wrong time. Meaning you season was started to early?. Your outdoor lighting time as I said must be a constant 14+ hrs of good light. It might be a case of it revegging itself and finishing it as the natural pace. I see you've got it in a set bed. So, my guess. Is you are early. As its only coming into the long days where I live. Late April, for some is fine. Can be started, but you need to make sure by or coming into wk 3 that you are getting enough light. Or they'll flip.