a month ago
Professor_Shamancommented2 years ago
You can give yourself a bit of a pass on the Nitrogen toxicity. I’m running two Mephisto’s Weddings side by side right now. Same everything for both; soil, nutes, lights etc…. I’m in day 28 right now btw. Hit them with a real light feeding/watering on day 22. Day 25 I water them (filtered ph’d at 6.3). Up until this point they look exactly the same. Same height, same color…healthy. Day 26 I start to see signs of nitrogen toxicity (dark green, clawing) only in one. It’s lost probably about an inch of growth over the last few days. But seems to be bouncing back quite well. The craziest thing is that I calculated the last feeding in real terms…i.e… of the 31.6ml that went in, how much was actually nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, inert…only .6ml of nitrogen went in!! The one pheno is just hyper sensitive. The other girl is just truckin along. The only observable difference between the two is that when leaves start to appear on the sensitive one, they come out with a pinkish/purple blush to them.
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