After giving them water for a week, it was time for them to getting harvested.
At first I had my doubts because 4.5 weeks of flowering is so short, but after seeing the thc turning milky, the thricromes ALL brown ( normaly i prefer a few white ones as well), it was time for them to cut down.
As you can see I gave them a first trim to make sure when I put them upside down to dry, the buds won't rot or get mold.
After some days, I will cut all the buds from the stems, give them a better trim and will put them in a drying net for the last days.
Probily will cure them for 1-2 weeks but will make some pictures in the process.
So keep in mind, they where flowering for 4.5 weeks, not 4.
I have seen similar grows of this strain finishing in around 4-5 weeks. This is a fast strain and the plants remain small, because if this, yet where done fast.
Yet again it was fun to grow them.
@gottagrowsometime, Thanks for telling, I adjusted it.
It was Vita Start indeed. Somehow I clicked on the other one.
This is just another try for me. The Geotexile pots with plagron nutrients.
I often like to do this at small so if I like the new nutrient, seeds or method of growing, I apply it to my bigger ones.
Its a mistake to top this plants, they won t recover in time and will most definetly give you shit yield. Their life cycle is just to short trust me I know. Good luck though, honestly hope I m wrong I just usually ain t.
@Gajba333,Hi sorry for interfering but i think you are wrong with not training Auto flowering plants. They can take it, it's just a matter of timing and a little bit of luck 🍀🤞. You can check my 🍌💜👊 diary as a reference i used all HST methods minus a full manifold and they responded better than some photoperiod plants i had. I'll be checking your grows as well , take care.
@Gajba333, Seems that there are two kinds of F1's. The Photoperiod and Autoflower kind.
I was hoping to get the Photoperiod, thats why I did all that work on them.
Instead I got the autoflower kind.
@Gajba333, 70 days from seed to harvest doesn't work for outside grows, might inside but outside it always takes longer. In a few days they are 4 weeks old, they are not even mature yet.
I gues they will grow for another 2 weeks at least before going into pre-flowering. After that there are just 2-3 weeks left for flowering?
My bet is that they will take at least 8 to 9 weeks af this point.
Again if I did read it right, these are not autoflowers. Just a genetic that have a shorter flowering time, with that information I did top them.
About the yield, well I don't care much about it. My outside grows are always for fun and experiments. I rather have them short and bushy. Thats why I like to top them so
the energy goes to the branches instead of the main brance/cola.