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Misc clones indoor to backyard

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 13-16
weeks 14
weeks 5
weeks 8
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
57 L
Pot Size
7.57 L
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
50 %
17 °C
(This diary should have been started weeks ago, so I’m going to do a few week’s quick to catch up) Started out with 2 cuttings from each of 4 plants. The Aerogarden is my favorite way to clone, but it only has 6 spots. 2 are in a glass jar waiting their turn. They took between 3 weeks and a month for all cuttings to root. They’ll go into the tent for awhile until it’s nice enough to go outside. I’m working on my soil mix, I’ll post up the recipe in next week’s update.
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
50 %
17 °C
1 L
0 L
60.96 cm
In the tent now are 2 Blueberries, 2 White Widows and 2 Pineapple Express. The 2 Durban Poison are in the Aerogarden. They received just water, in supersoil mix. (Mix from last grow) I’m using a new recipe from here on out. I don’t feel like I had it quite right before, so I’m starting fresh. The recipe I’m using this round for my supersoil mix is in the photos. I worked up a spreadsheet to determine the ratios. I’m trying something different this time, I’ve made up 2 mixes. One for growing(3-1-2) and the other for flowering(1-3-2). I plan on layering them into a container that is larger than what I usually use. I figured outdoors would be the best place to try it. I’ve made up the mixes and they are cooking in bins outside until needed. The light mix referenced in the pictures is a bale of Sunshine mix #4 mixed with 8 quarts of vermiculite, .75 cu ft mushroom compost and 40 lbs of cow manure and compost. (Sorry for the different measurements, that’s what the bags said)
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
50 %
17 °C
2 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Lost one of the PE, I think I pulled it from the aerogarden too soon. The other 5 have been transplanted into 2.5 qt pots. Still water only, they have plenty of nutrients now In slightly larger containers. Will most likely need to transplant 1 more time before the final move outside.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
50 %
22 °C
2 L
1 L
60.96 cm
One of the Durban Poison cuttings didn’t root. It leaves me with an even 6. Did some low stress training, even though they’re going outside, I still don’t need super tall plants. I want them bushy. It’s been hot and I’ve had to water more often. They are showing some deficiencies because of it, if I can’t get them transplanted I will topdress next week. I’m sorry about the pictures, I will get some in natural light.
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Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
25.4 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
50 %
19 °C
8 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 3
Supersoil 187.5 mll
Sea90 0.326 mll
RAW Silica - NPK Industries
RAW Silica 0.326 mll
The girls were all looking a bit root bound, so I’ve transplanted into 2 gallon containers. The Durban poison is 2 weeks behind the rest, but ready to come out of the 1 qt container. I put 3 cups of supersoil in the bottom and filled the rest with a light mix. I watered them with silica and sea90 and they shouldn’t need water for a good couple of days. I want to encourage lots of root growth. For indoor grows I would have put them into the final container, but it’ll be a few more weeks before they can go outside. I had to get creative since I didn’t have the right size pots, but this should work! The final container outside will be around 12 to 15 gallons, depending on how much I fill the fabric grow bags. Tied them all down and out, I’m looking to spread out the branches. I will continue to tie them down in hopes of keeping them bushy and short-ish, I know they’ll try to get tall once they’re outside. I still need to figure out how I’m going to support them once they’re out in their final pots. But there’s still time to think and plan! Thanks for stopping by! 😘
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
2 years ago
35.56 cm
16 hrs
21 °C
45 %
17 °C
8 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 3
Supersoil 187.5 mll
Sea90 0.326 mll
RAW Silica - NPK Industries
RAW Silica 0.326 mll
Not much changed this week, I’ve had other priorities and have mostly ignored them. I did get them outside for the beginning of the hardening off process. I would like to have them in their final pots before June 1st, preferably next week. The weather seems to finally be moving in the right direction. By next week, our overnight lows should start staying above 50F, but we have a freeze warning for tonight. We are at 14 hours and 45 minutes daylight so it should be past flowering issues. They desperately need to be tied down more and possibly defoliated some. I will tie them down as soon as they are they are transplanted outside. After they’ve settled, I will look into defoliation. I still have not finalized how I will support them. I may have to do each one completely differently since there’s 4 different strains in 2 or 3 different spots in my yard. I’ll try to get more pictures this week.
Week 7. Vegetation
2 years ago
40.64 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
65 %
20 °C
8 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 3
Supersoil 187.5 mll
Sea90 0.326 mll
RAW Silica - NPK Industries
RAW Silica 0.326 mll
The overnight temperatures this week were colder than the girls needed to experience, so they lived in the wagon and I dragged them into the basement every night. I set up my led to extend their daytimes and brought them out in the morning once the temperature was above 50 and they could be in the sun. So far everyone seems to be doing quite well!
Week 8. Vegetation
2 years ago
45.72 cm
16 hrs
29 °C
65 %
12 °C
57 L
8 L
Nutrients 4
Supersoil 5999.972 mll
Sea90 0.326 mll
Molasses 0.326 mll
This week was transplant week. The outside temperatures have finally warmed sufficiently and I’m getting tired of wheeling them in and out lol 😆 All except the Durban poison were ready to go, this little one just wilted overnight. It has been hot, but the soil was moist still, there’s something else going on. Transplant was successful and the next day everyone looks happy in their new homes. The containers each have 3 gallons of hot flower mix, 3 gallons hot veg mix and the rest filled with light mix. Watered in with 2 gallons of water each, 1 with silica, sea90 and molasses, the other with Nature’s Living Soil brand Soil Revival, an organic full spectrum probiotic and bio-stimulant. I’ve started with a tomato cage for support, I’ll add more as they grow. I’ve done some preliminary tying down to encourage growth. I’ve also mixed up enough hot mix to compost in preparation for the next grow.
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
2 years ago
50.8 cm
15 hrs
20 °C
70 %
8 °C
57 L
8 L
Nutrients 4
Supersoil 5999.946 mll
Sea90 0.326 mll
Molasses 0.326 mll
This week has been cool and rainy, refreshing after the 90F days we had! The girls are all doing ok, but the cold overnights may be causing some lockout/deficiencies. I’m going to hold off on any treatments for a few more days. The worm bin is finally ready to be harvested, so I can top-dress with that. We had a severe thunderstorm with nickel size hail that did a little damage, but all survived. After some feedback from the people I grow for, I culled one of the blueberries. I’m hoping to get a better result from this outside run, but no one liked it as much as I’d hoped. That pot can be for the new seed. I’m doing a separate diary for the Purple Haze seed, check it out! The Durban Poison cut has died. After a couple of days of trying, the whole thing just gave up. The cutting was taken from a plant that was over a year old and stress flowering due to a lack of light. I wasn’t sure if the cut would get past it, but I guess not. So we are left with 2 White Widow, 1 Blueberry and 1 Pineapple Express for this diary. I’m hoping for more sun and better growth this next week 🤞 ☀️ 🤞 ☀️ 🤞 🌱🌱🌱
Week 10. Vegetation
2 years ago
58.42 cm
15 hrs
22 °C
75 %
13 °C
57 L
Nutrients 2
Supersoil 5999.933 mll
Worm castings 187.5 mll
This week was still cooler than average and quite rainy, I was unable to water at all because the pots never dried out. They are growing still but slowly. I pulled all the mulch off in order to top-dress with worm castings and found a few slugs. I hope it doesn’t stay so wet in the yard or the slugs will become a problem. The pineapple is still a bit lighter in color, but overall ok. I’m hoping we’ll get past this after some sunshine
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Week 11. Vegetation
2 years ago
68.58 cm
15 hrs
28 °C
75 %
18 °C
57 L
Nutrients 1
Supersoil 5999.92 mll
Rain again this week, I measured 3.5 inches in my rain guage. The girls don't seem waterlogged, but I worry about the nutrients washing away. I have, again, been unable to water at all. At least we had a bit more sunshine in between showers, so there's some upward growth. I removed all the mulch again and found dozens of slugs! I've put out a beer trap in hopes of reducing their numbers. Next step is some iron phosphate bait if I can't keep them under control. There doesn't seem to be many other pests bothering them and that's good. In spite of the constant rain, they seem to be all doing quite well!
Week 12. Vegetation
2 years ago
88.9 cm
15 hrs
29 °C
75 %
18 °C
57 L
Nutrients 1
Supersoil 5999.893 mll
Another inch and a half of rain, but warm and sunny when the rain stopped. All 4 have started stacking nodes on the primary tops. There’s 15 hours and 14 minutes of daylight right now, but we’re already losing light. Any variety I’ve grown outside has started flowering by the first week of August when the light hours are down below 14 hours and 30 minutes. I am shopping for a canopy to cover the girls. Right now all the rain isn’t too horrible, but once flowering starts, I don’t want them this wet. I’ve been manually removing slugs daily and I’m sick of it. I’m going to pick up some slug bait when I go shopping this weekend.
Week 13. Vegetation
2 years ago
99.06 cm
15 hrs
32 °C
85 %
19 °C
57 L
Nutrients 4
Supersoil 5999.88 mll
Hot veg mix 62.5 mll
Sea90 sea minerals 0.326 mll
This week has continued with the rainy trend, but this time we got more heat. I got a canopy with some greenhouse plastic set up, but the storm we had was too strong and the plastic came off. We ended up with 4.5 inches of rain in about 14 hours. The girls did just fine though! I’ve ordered more plastic and I’ll see if I can do it better this time. I’ve discovered possible white powdery mildew on the Pineapple Express. I don’t want it! I’ve sprayed everyone with Greencure (Potassium Bicarbonate) and started defoliating. I plan at least 2 more defoliating sessions, I don’t like to take too much at once. I’ll continue to spray regularly until the beginning of flower. I hope that will be sufficient 🤞 I put out slug bait and no more slugs 48 hours later. There’s still plenty around the rest of the yard, so I’ll still need to be vigilant. I’ll take the small victory ✌️ All 4 have been growing taller by the day! Here are the numbers for today: White Widow 1 - 41 inches tall, 36 inches wide White Widow 2 - 37 inches tall, 36 inches wide Blueberry- 47 inches tall, 36 inches wide Pineapple Express- 31 inches tall, 31 inches wide With all the rain I was concerned about the nutrients being washed away. I also noticed some slight yellowing of leaves, so I top-dressed some nutrients. I used the same mix of dry amendments that I used to make the hot veg mix, see spreadsheet above. The Blueberry got half of a cup, everyone else got a cup. This week I need to spray for caterpillars, the cabbage moths are very active right now. I’ll be spraying regularly up until 2 weeks or so into flower. I’m not loving growing outside this year, I’m looking forward to getting back inside.
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Used techniques
Week 14. Vegetation
2 years ago
104.14 cm
15 hrs
31 °C
70 %
20 °C
57 L
Nutrients 4
Supersoil 5999.88 mll
Hot veg mix 62.5 mll
Sea90 sea minerals 0.326 mll
It's been another rainy week, but thankfully the canopy is holding. Since they are no longer being watered by Mother Nature, I've been giving them each 2 gallons of water every other day. In my twice daily inspections, I've found a mealybug nest, loads of leafhoppers and a few random spots of WPM. I've been spraying twice a week with a mixture of Greencure, pure castile soap and Organocide 3-in-1 Garden spray. (See pictures above for labels) I have noticed a reduction in numbers. I will keep spraying 2x a week until I see buds forming. Then I will have to reevaluate. I’m still putting slug bait out every 3 days and still only seeing a couple here and there, but none on the plants. All 4 are showing signs of beginning to stretch, the Blueberry most of all. The 2 primary branches had stretched almost a foot above the rest of the plant. I supercropped them and tied them to bamboo stakes. She recovered well within 24 hours. Daylight hours were 15:06 at the beginning of the week and 14:55 today. Losing light quickly will hopefully kick everyone into flower!
Used techniques
Week 15. Vegetation
2 years ago
119.38 cm
15 hrs
30 °C
65 %
18 °C
57 L
Nutrients 4
Supersoil 5999.867 mll
Hot veg mix 62.5 mll
Sea90 sea minerals 0.326 mll
Not much changed this week, weather has been holding steady, warm temps during the day and rain every couple of days. All 4 plants are growing quite happily! I’m continuing to spray 2x a week with Greencure, Organocide and soap, alternating with Monterey Bt, and I’m watering with 2 gallons every other day. (This is definitely more work than inside 😮) The slugs have been staying away from the plants, I put slug bait out every 3 days, but they are still everywhere else in the yard. There have been ants around the plants on and off, but nothing major since I’ve been spraying for other bugs, but I think that has changed. I noticed major activity in WW2, so I’ve put ant traps out. I was out 2x this week defoliating and within a few days, I couldn’t even tell! I’m going to clean them up again next week. The Pineapple Express has not grown much and the new growth is 3 blade leaves. I’m concerned that I stressed her out when I moved the pot a few weeks ago, she definitely stalled out for some time. I’m happy to see new growth, just not happy that it’s only 3 blade leaves. Daylight hours at the beginning of the week were 14:55 and at have dropped to 14:40. I’m hoping to see the start of terminal buds any day now!
Used techniques
Week 16. Vegetation
2 years ago
137.16 cm
15 hrs
28 °C
60 %
14 °C
57 L
Nutrients 4
Supersoil 5999.854 mll
Hot veg mix 62.5 mll
Sea90 sea minerals 0.326 mll
Another week passed and the girls are still happy! The beginning of the week was hot, temps in the low 90s and overnight in the 70s. The end of the week cooled off, with highs in the upper 70s and lows in the upper 50s. We’re still getting rain every 2 or 3 days, sometimes very heavy, but the girls are staying mostly dry under the canopy. The cabbage moths are active now all thru the yard, I’m hoping the Bt keeps them off these girls. I’m spraying 2x a week, alternating as before with Greencure, Organocide and soap. I top-dressed this week with dry amendments, the same hot veg mix I’ve been using, 1 cup for each except the blueberry, she got 1/2 cup. I sprinkled ground up mosquito dunks on each plant as well. Another round of defoliating done and I’m not seeing much WPM or evidence of bugs, thank goodness! I realized that we had a light in the backyard overnight that was lighting up the girls too much. I have corrected that and hopefully it won’t cause any issues. Daylight hours at the beginning of the week were 14:40 and at the end 14:27. I’m expecting to see the start of budlets by the end of this week. They are stretching like mad! I would liked to have tied them out wider, but I don’t want to move the pots at this point. I’m sure they’ve grown roots into the ground. So now I’ll just hope they don’t get too tall for the canopy!
Used techniques
Week 17. Vegetation
2 years ago
139.7 cm
14 hrs
28 °C
65 %
16 °C
57 L
Nutrients 4
Supersoil 5999.841 mll
Hot veg mix 62.5 mll
Sea90 sea minerals 0.326 mll
A fantastic week of growth! Pistils are popping everywhere! Daylight hours were 14:25 at the beginning of the week and 14:13 at the end. They are officially moving from the pre flower stretch into flowering. I surrounded the canopy on 2 sides with reed fence. I’m hoping it keeps the surrounding vegetation away and hopefully bugs away as well! Plus it obscures the plants some. I’m continuing to spray 2x a week and it seems to be working. Watering 2 gallons every other day is also still working. Happy growing everyone 🌱🌞🌱
Week 18. Flowering
2 years ago
157.48 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
65 %
19 °C
57 L
Nutrients 4
Supersoil 6249.971 mll
Hot veg mix 62.5 mll
Sea90 sea minerals 0.326 mll
Girls have been getting bigger and are finally starting to make buds. They’re only tiny right now, but I’m just happy they’ve started flowering 😁 Daylight hours were 14:11 at the beginning of the week and 13:53 at the end. Watering 2 gallons every other day, but occasionally seems like they are really dry. I’m going to add another half a gallon each, see how that goes. All were starting to show signs of being hungry, no surprise with all this growth! I’ve top-dressed with flower nutrients and worm castings mixed into light soil mix. I added approximately an inch of mix then covered with mulch. Still spraying 2x a week, but now that buds are starting it will only be Bt for the caterpillars. 8 to 10 weeks to go 🤞🌱🤞
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Crawlndogcommentedweek 12 years ago
Great Job!👍 I found when I cut the tips of the leaves off, they rooted alot quicker... stops them from trying to grow and focus on rooting. Good luck with the outdoor!😀
GreenLover99commented2 years ago
@Crawlndog, Thank you 🙏 I’ll definitely keep that in mind next time! I take cuttings of every plant I grow, just in case, ya know? I’m always looking to try new things and that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for stopping by!
Seedsmancommentedweek 42 years ago
Thanks for choosing our strain. Good luck and we hope you enjoy it. If you have any issues, please let us know. 💚😀
nonick123commentedweek 142 years ago
Vaya preciosidad de jardín amigo! Mucha suerte con este outdoor!
GreenLover99commented2 years ago
@nonick123, thank you for your kind words!
MisterAeroponicscommentedweek 92 years ago
Nice following 🤙🏻
GreenLover99commented2 years ago
@MisterAeroponics, thanks for stopping by 👍
Seedsmancommentedweek 182 years ago
Seedsmancommentedweek 142 years ago
Girls are coming so big!! 💪👌🙏
Seedsmancommentedweek 132 years ago
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