* Light +800 PPFD, 12/12
* Main Nutrient // Bio Nova // Hydro-SuperMix // 2.0ml / Liter
* Stimulator Bio Nova // PK // 0,2ml / Liter
* Stimulator Bio Nova // Silution // 0,2ml / Liter
* Stimulator Bio Nova // BN X-Cel // 0,5ml / Liter
* Stimulator Bio Nova // The Missing Link // 0,5ml / Liter
* Stimulator Bio Nova // VitaSol // 0,5ml / Liter (SUGAR)
** Clean agent: // Drip Irrigation // Ata Clean // 0.1ml / Liter
* Humid: 60-65%
* Temp: 22-26C
* CO2: 600-900
+ Keep raising the PPFD with a (100) each week until we reach +800 PPFD.
+ We still have to keep track of the continuous raising of the PH, EVERY DAY we need to test the water.