Day 57 - Watered her with de-chlorinated tap water with 2tsp Grow Big and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.56
Day 58 - Happy girl! 😉
Day 59 - All is well, she hasn't graffitied the tent up yet
Day 60 - Watered her with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.57
Day 61 - Almost time for a stretch! 😎
Day 62 - She might just be a good one!
Day 63 - Watered her with de-chlorinated tap water with 2tsp Tiger Bloom and .6ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.55
This strain is incredible! I have tried it along with many others from Premium cultivars! Their Blue Zushi and Jet Fuel Gelato are both also really good!! 😍
@Sour_D, the permanent marker strain smells like the Sharpie black pen and is very strong
@DeepWaterGrower@Saint and @GrowingGrannie here is one to watch! This is American cultivar that is some of best I have ever tried.