
Lemon Jeffery - SOG Grow

a year ago
Room Type
weeks 6-9, 9-16
weeks 9
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
4 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
AustinRon AustinRon
2 years ago
Week 4 - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM) Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers) 63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks) Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023 Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-06-30, 2024-07-07] Must Do before Week End - [x] Electrical Tape over power plug lit switch & Humidifier Fan Charging Light Start of week: - Dates: [06-12-2023:LJ2Q 29:V:4:1, 06–18-2023:LJ2Q 35:V:4:7 ] End of Week: - Plant Height Range: [ 5, 8, in] - Water/Day/Plant: [840, ml] EnvironmentalCurrent: - LightIntensity: [ 842, µMol//m2/s ] - LightDistance: [ 19.5, in] - Temp: [82 , °F] - RH: [ 63, %] - VPD: [ 0.80, kPa] - Scotoperiod: [ 6, hrs] - Feedwater per Day: [ 3360, ml] - EC: [ 1.8, mS] Environment NOTES: - Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to 1. Nightly (2200) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room 2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room - Goal is to maintain TENT & CABINET TEMPERATURES OVERNIGHT - RULE - CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2200 - 0700) - OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2200) SOG Strategy - Eliminate weak, funky plants - @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 (or …?) - Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation) - Ref:' Objective - 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before use - Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100) - Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/s2/m2] - Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr] - Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr] Environment - Vegetation (Week 3-4) - Temp: 78-84°F - VPD 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 18/6 - Light Strength: 400-500 µMol/s2/m2 - Fertigation - Primer A: [ 6, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 6, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 3, ml, gal] - Augments per QUART - CalMag Fuel: [ 3, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 3, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 3, ml, gal] - Peak Bloom: [ 1.5, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.5, pre-Transplant - EC: 1.1 - 1.2 post-Transplant - Bolt (3 Weeks) (Week 5-7) (F1-F3) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/s2/m2 - Rooted Leaf Hydro (Reservoir), (RLA EC 0.8 - 1.6 - Half the RLA Hydro Chart) - Primer A, Primer B: [ 8 ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.7 # 1.1, 1.4, 1.7 - Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 8-9) (F4-F5) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1 - Photoperiod: 12/12 - Light Strength: 930 µMol/s2/m2 - EC: 1.7 - Late Flower (Week 10-14) (F5-F9) - Temp: 78-80°F - VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2 - Photoperiod: 12/123 - Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/s2/m2] - EC: 1.7 # Week 9-11 - EC: 1.4 # Week 12 - EC: 1.1 # Week 13 - Finish (Week 14) ( F10) - Temp: 78°F - VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2 - PPFD: 750 peak - Resin Bloom ONLY - EC: 0.8 ______________________________________ Environment.Seedling - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD 0.90 ± 0.50 (0.85 - 1.0 mbar) Rooted Leaf Hydro 0.8 - 1.6 EC (Half the Hydro Chart Week 1): - Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal] - Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal] - Silica Skin: [ 2, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - EC: 1.1 - 1.2MAX - Per Feed Supplements: # (Mix&Feed Nutes Only) - Cal Mag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal], [0.25, ml, pt]] - Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]] - Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]] - EC: 0.8(1.1), 0.9(1.2) Mon 05 Jun 2-23 # Up Plant Week LJ2Q 22:S:3:1 - Raising Light Distance & Dimmer Intensity, Maintain Services & Tools -> Analysis Services -> Basic/Advanced Options -> Basic Options - ing PPFD @ 475 - Goal is to reduce PPFD Differential across different sized plants. - Increasing to week 2 RLA-Light Chart - EC: 1.1 - 1.2 - CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal] - Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal] - Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal] - Dilute to EC: 1.1 - 1.2 mS ________________________ Mon 12 2023 # Pre - FLIP Week LJ2Q 29:V:3:1 - Transplanted last 3 - Watering by hand until Irrigation Fitted and Calibrated - [ ] Fertigation - [ ] Connect Drip Rings IN TENT - [ ] CALIBRATE EACH FEED to 15% Runoff (Will become NO runoff within first week) - [ ] Install Drip Rings in Containers Tue 13 May 2023 LJ2Q 30:V:4:2 Wed 14 May 2023 LJ2Q 31:V:4:3 - Setup and Calibrated GrowTek Feed Pumps - Setup GrowTek Drain Lines - Initialized Reservoir - 3 Gallons Filtered Water - Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal] - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal] - [x] Rooted Leaf Feedwater - [x] Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] EC: 1.6 # Added another 1.5 Gal Thu 15 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 32:V:4:4 - ACI Controller running max fan OUTSIDE of set parameters. Found separate automations for ‘All’ and ‘Port 4’. Changed to just ALL - RH Trigger: 69% - Temp Trigger: 83°F - Plants are Island Green (almost chartreuse), Relaxed Position, gentle crease in center of leaves. - We’re at 6 nodes across the plants.  Fertigation - 6 Times per 18 hours - 160 min Frequency, every 3 hours - 80 ml/plant/event Friday 16 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 33:V:4:5 OOPS! Meant to set Fertigation to 80/plant, but forgot each feed goes to TWO plants. Doubled per Feedline amount to accommodate. All plants working Node 7 Sat 17 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 34:V:4:6 Reservoir EC @ 2023-06-17T10:48:01-0500: [ 1.7, kPa] # +0.1 from last load Sun 18 Jun 2023 LJ2Q 35:V:4:7 Fertigation: - [ ] @1900 Flip to 12/12 (1900-0700+24h) - [x] RLA Hydro Medium: - [x] EC: [ 1.8, mS] - [x] Primer A: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] Primer B: [ 8, ml, gal] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal] - [x] Amount: [ 2, gal] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal] - [x] SLF-100 - [x] Quillaja Powder: [ 2.5, gm, gal] - [x] Adjust Fertigation to 6 events/12 Hours: 140 ml/plant
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Crashoveritecommentedweek 15a year ago
Nice garden mate👌 Peace ✌️
Crashoveritecommenteda year ago
@AustinRon,peace and love ✌️
AustinRoncommenteda year ago
@Crashoverite,Appreciate it dude 👊 Cheers! 🙏