The bigger plant is the star of the show apparently because the name of the diary is actually the stunted 10 inch plant you can barely see in these photos. The big beautiful plant is actually a free seed from seedsman.. I believe it’s a froot by foot by atlas seeds and it’s got some great genetics good thc production I hope it sends up being tasty
What should I do about purple stems are my stems purple or is it just how this plant is supposed to look I thought it was just the strain until I noticed the purple stems on my other plant too….
Wenn die Pflanze ansonsten gesund ist und man an den Blättern keine weiteren Symptome erkennen kann, sind die lila Stiele einfach genetischer Herkunft.
Wenn weitere Symptome zu erkennen sind, ist es in der Regel Phosphormangel.
happy gardening 💪😎
@Seedsman, no issues other than pure stupidity I accidentally left the first couple of seeds out in the sun to keep them nice and warm and I left them out too long and cooked the first few seeds then I tried again and just planted them directly into the medium in their whole life pots so they’re never transplanted or messed with whatsoever.. and things are going well now