
Stoopid Fruits Outdoor

10 months ago
Room Type
weeks 4, 6-7
weeks 6
weeks 6, 8, 18
weeks 8
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Slightly Stoopid Fruits
Avg. success
Humboldt Seed Company - 92%
Slightly Stoopid Fruits - 93%
Commented by
Dmars Dmars
a year ago
5/23 Seed put into shot glass with water 5/24 Seed moved to wet paper towel 5/27 Wasn’t able to check up on the paper towel until tonight. Had a big taproot that was unfortunately somewhat “in” the towel, so I had to gently yank it free. It’s in a solo cup now so hopefully no harm done 5/28 The Stoopid Fruits has popped up and looks good
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FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 6
Bro why do I not know when you start a new diary!?!?!?! 🤣 Hey I got a question, do you not give them anything but cal mag/iron up to week 6 veg? I’ve never used an auto pot before but my friend in town uses them with great success like you.
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, I think the autopots do work great and are convenient, but on a commercial scale I'm not sure it would be feasible. Something like drip irrigation, water rings on a timer, or a flood system would probably be vastly cheaper with similar results. One thing though that's crazy about the autopots is that literally nothing drains out of them for the duration of the grow. I have not had a single drop of water go down a drain yet once it heads to the plant. So from an environmental perspective it's probably the best solution available to prevent waste fertilizer from getting out into the world, but that's probably the only unique perk.
@Dmars, I’m following you now. I thought I was but I was just following your one diary. I love bouncing ideas back and forth. We are working on obtaining a commercial building pretty soon. My buddy swears by the auto pots. I’m trying to convince him it’s too expensive on a commercial scale lol. That’s what my friend does is starts in pure coco and at some point starts the auto pot under them…not sure what week of veg but I’ll ask. He’s been using them for years tho
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, so the whole process for starting a seed to getting it into an active autopot is something I need to work on still (this being my third autopot run, with my second ever run being the Fanta Sea). You can see with this one that the leaves started to yellow after my first watering with just calmag water. My thinking was that since I used some left over miracle grow in a solo cup to get it started that I wouldn't need to jump right in to my usual water mix. I think the best way forward next time around might be to just start in plain coco, give calmag water for germination, but once we are in the seedling stage I'll just scoop some water out of my res and hand water with that until it's ready for the autopot to be turned on. I gotta update all the nutrients used and other details in this diary, it's not completely up to date.
FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 9
It’s like a ball of green 🤣. I can’t wait to see this stretch
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, yeah this one might get pretty intense.
FrontRowAG_BrianGweek 11
Dude this thing fucking exploded!!!
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, Yeah, it had a good stretch. I'm getting worried though, it should be forming buds by now but I'm not seeing it. I have a shorter season than most so it could be problematic.
Aleks555week 19
Good luck and success.
Dabkingweek 18
Good luck