The first week of flower and the stretch is really visible with medusa 4/5!
She recoverd amazingly well from the topping and produced loads of shoots with buds.
My buddy took over this week and I will tie down the branches this week.
She looks similar to medusa 2/5 which was topped as well. This strain really likes to be topped!
Check my other diaries for the full experiment and feel free to ask questions!
Jah bless!
@Densko, love it man! Very uniform, low riders but a lot of bud sites. From what I have seen in other diary’s they finish gas as well. How are you finding them?
@nonick123, not long anymore! My drying tent is empty so I have space again to put her in. I did notice this phenotype required a bit more time since she was very big. Additionally, when looking at the trichomes, hardly any were amber. for me this tells me it is almost done! depending on your preferences.