i dont consume it, but my adult son does.. i started growing so we had something to do together.. anyway.... he said him and coworker smoked on lunch and he was to high to go back to wotk... and they are daily smokers.... i know that it says my setup is the 2, 1000w but i started this grow with 6, 75w blurple lights... for 9 or 10 weeks it was just those and me moving them outside to get sun... the fact they were able to get so massive of plants is really amazing.. this was my first grow ever... i made soo many mistakes... i overwatered, overfed, didnt have holes drilled into the bottom of pots... just sooo many mistakes... out of the 13 plants we are about 1400grams.. i have 1 still under the lights seeing if it will get better.. Just great genetics.. i can imagine with better experience could get an even better outcome...