So while we're finally about there. These lovely ladies have grown, the majority of what they're going take a look at some of the full pictures and remember those are three gallon pots. They are monsters. The top of the canopy of some of these single plants is 3 ft around. I have been manipulating training and topping and getting great results. Now I just got to make sure they don't fall over because they're getting so heavy. Not a bad problem .
I have tapered down and now have been flushing for 2 days with general hydroponics floral clean. They are on a dripper, They have had roughly 5 gallons ran through them in the past 48 hours so they should be completely flushed. After a 24 hour dry out. I will be running 10 days of overdrive only from advanced nutrition and let them finish up.
Starting to see purple on the leaves. A lot of the trichomes everywhere looking like it's snowing . Most of them are milky white and I'm going to make sure I get them at peak THC production time. Cautiously I do not want to leave them too long like I have before. I have Been being very careful. Keeping my humidity down and making sure there's no spots for Bud Rock or mold. Stoked! and we'll be amazing to taste. It's beautiful, delightful fruit. I have had a little present that broke off and oh my lord it was amazing. Keep tuned in. Always open to suggestions. Happy farming family
Yep, they've been flushed now. It's about a week of overdrive for the last little push and then the final flush and then good old drying,curing