I have never grown Cannabis before. First time. Awesome experience. This strain brought me back to my youth, remembering all the good sticky icky I used to come across in my city. This stain is an amazing day medicine but too much of it and you could find yourself like me munching out hard core or completely unable to decide what to do next. I don’t want to play video games, I would almost rather clean and get things done, watching tv seems like a waste of time. I can comfortably get through the day with this strain. It literally brings back your energy. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a great day medicine.
I really liked the line. They gave a feeding chart and although there are multiple components it’s fairly straight forward. I don’t know if I will try it after I’ve used what I have, I may look for a simple nutrient line as to not have so many bottles. But when it comes down to it they performed well. The plants seemed to love them and I have some very amazing day smoke due to the nutrients and set up.
Only human error can be blamed for any issues this run.
I’m very happy. This was my first grow.
These girls made me extremely happy.
I had my mistakes and corrected them when possible. I have learnt so much from this first experience.
I opened up the tent Saturday morning after three days of darkness and the plants looked so good to see. I got right down to work and started cutting the girls down.
Just before lunch i had one girl down and had to stop to get groceries for the week.
When I got home my friend came and helped me out for a few hours before leaving and coming back to help again.
I had to once again leave and come back but I managed to keep it together and finish taking all the girls down, wet trimmed and hung by Sunday @3:00am.
Harvesting was my biggest fear of messing up and I’m still not out of the woods yet.
It’s really dry up here(rh30) so I had a humidifier in the tent with them drying and it didn’t seem to do anything. After four days of hanging they were crispy on the outside and the tent had lost smell. I cut them down and began the jar curing process. I have burped them every 12 hrs making sure to move the buds in the jars and getting fresh air in each jar. The smell hasn’t left them it was just hiding and the jars brought them back.
Every burping fills the house with the smell of greatness and love. Lol
I have 10oz and 15grams total. Not including the 3/4 jar of small larf buds that I have been smoking which has been amazing and able to get me wrecked. I have tried a nice bud or two also, So good. I will definitely grow this strain again. Like next run. I have 8 GC clones/plants that are about three feet tall, need transplanting and then being flipped to 12/12. Just need to clean the big tent first.
Hope all is well with everyone’s and wish all a healthy and happy harvest!
That looks like a slight nutrient burn to me. I’d suggest trying to back down a little on your feedings. Maybe reduce to 1/2 or 3/4 strength or feed less frequently. Otherwise everything looks great! 👍
Excellent work Dada! You did very well and your yeild is awesome!
I’m chopping my baby down this week too so we will both have some good bud for the end of the year/new year!
Sounds like a great friend to have, lol. Also, nice setup. So, when you add water or anything for that matter, ph that to your 6.5 or whatever, don't just put tap water in there. As you have certainly read, ph is going to be key, nothing will work right without a good ph. Good luck on your new hobby!
Trichs always tell the real truth on doneness bud. If ya got a jewellers loupe then that obviously helps - ur lookn for cloudy mushroom heads mixed with a little bit of Amber (generally). In the absence of that and in my own humble opinion and experience - add 1-2 weeks on grow timeline provided by the breeder (def. applies to crop king and I’ve grown a few of their strains). When the big fans are turning yellow, you’re probably in the harvest window. Best I got for ya buddy and looking forward to the final weigh!👍😎👊
@TheBudWhisperer, thank you my friend! It’s definitely been a fun learning experience. Looking forward to more growing lol. New strains. Maybe trying a different technique. 🙌🏼🙏🏼👊🏼😜🌲🔥 I want to smoke these girls so bad 😳
@Dadasgrow, yeah still too hard to tell without a digital microscope. That said you’re real close for sure.
Keep an eye on trichs in the middle area of the plant when u see cloudy there mixed with a little amber around the top area - your prob. Good to chop👍😉. Can’t wait to see the numbers on this dude. Great grow, really!
That looks like a slight nutrient burn to me. I’d suggest trying to back down a little on your feedings. Maybe reduce to 1/2 or 3/4 strength or feed less frequently. Otherwise everything looks great! 👍
@HighTV, was literally adding to it while you were typing I think. I know it seems some spots have fallen over from bud weight lol I need more sticks 😳.
ok to just let them grow?
Yes it will, but you won’t be maximizing the plants flower potential where it matters 😉
Regardless of stem size currently my branches each have 5 or more flowers on them. Will the returns from taking away those lower flowers be worth it to the tops ?
Yes, both in density and intensity my friend👍
Will trimming flowers off my girls at this stage in their life hurt them? If she’s healthy (and she is) It shouldn’t, this is week 3 and ur last real opportunity to stress the plant significantly before the more sensitive flowering weeks ahead. So in the long run no. I would be stripping what I could see now and defoliating pretty heavy in one sitting. Let er recover a week or so and keep an eye out for droopiness. Then, regular light pruning of leaves and removing the occasional larf where u find it. pruning on an ongoing basis until last couple weeks or so.👍
I feel like I should let them be and just pull the leaves that clog up light dispersion.
If that’s how you feel then cool. start slow with the leaves in the middle of the plant as well as the largest fan leaves. You can always take off more but never can you take off less😉. You gotta work with the plant and be careful yes - but this plant looks healthy and as though she could snap right back quick even if really stressed.
Hope it helps dude👊😎
@Dadasgrow, no worries buddy - that’s what this platforms for!👍
As far as these other questions are concerned - spot on dude. Exactly what I’d do. As far as feeding - keep to the regular schedule. I usually wait until the plants are ready for the next feeding and after I’m done defo I’ll give em a good drink to tide them over in recovery for the next couple days.
As far as the trichs on the lower larf buds are concerned - you’ll probably get higher sucking on a tail pipe than smoking those. The trichs wouldn’t have developed at this point and I doubt they’d have any thc component at all. Good luck and have fun with the defo (my favourite part of the grow). I’m around and will definitely keep an eye on this bud - looking great!👍👊😎
Stretch is very much dependent on the strain my friend and too much stretch indoors is a much bigger problem than too little. you want an example of this just check out @capitankush diaries. His tent is literally bursting due to a prolonged veg. Period. That said, don’t lose any sleep over this monster. She’s looking fantastic and your gonna get rewarded big time!!!👍👊😎👍
@TheBudWhisperer, the stretch is real, 24hrs later, a few of the girls tops at the back found 2”. 😳I spoke to soon. I’m gonna come home from work tomorrow and they will all have gained again. Just cause I said something.
@GreasyLuigi, I love this comment. 👊🏼😜🌲🔥🙌🏼🙏🏼 It took so long to get them all down, trimmed and hung. I’ll definitely be trying to figure out some better harvesting methods and techniques lol.
Man these girls are lookn pretty dude! What’s the size of ur grow space and how many plants? She looks full so I’m gonna take a shot at guessing ur yield.👍