The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Jimi & Janis

a year ago
Purple Haze auto flower
Room Type
12-12 From Seed
weeks 3-8, 10
weeks 5
weeks 6
weeks 6-7
2 L
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
27 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
Nutrients 1
ATA Rootfast - ATAMI
ATA Rootfast 1 mll
Things are going good, it's my third time and I have two plants now instead of one before, People Haze auto flowers
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
64 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
Nutrients 1
ATA Rootfast - ATAMI
ATA Rootfast 1 mll
Things are going good, it's my third time and I have two plants now instead of one before, People Haze auto flowers
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Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 5. Flowering
2 years ago
20 hrs
32 °C
60 %
8 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
ATA Terra Max - ATAMI
ATA Terra Max 0.3 mll
These two grow in very different way, even tho both of them are purple Haze auto flower from Green House Seeds co, I started with 3 but one was dead or didn't want to start, the smaller plant came up few hours before the big one, smaller plant is all thicker, I am beginner in this and have no experience really, now there are brown color on bottom leaves on the lover plant, if any of you experienced people bother to read this mabey I can bother you more for an advise, am pretty sure it's not nutrition burn, I know how that looks like because that happened to my previous plant and now am giving each plant 1ml of nutrient in 3 liters of water every second day, just water in between, I spent 220$ in equipment's so I know I can not expect anything like some photos show, out of these two growing attempt I got first time 50 gr of dry buds and 60 gr next time, I don't smoke it my self, just give to friend and family, so it's just pure hobby. Should I be worried about that brown color on bottom leaves, it's only the lower plant that have those, should I cut them off, auto flower plant are more sensitive to cutting leave off I have read, is it so ? But overall am happy with how it's going?
1 like
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Grow Questions
OrriSakkistarted grow question 2 years ago
Should I be worried about the brown color on the bottom leaves on this plant, it's purple Haze auto flower strain
Leaves. Other
OrriSakkianswered grow question 2 years ago
Hashyanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'd say you need to go onto a Bloom Feed now as she will be using more phosphorus and potassium then when she was in veg.
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 2 years ago
Phosphorus deficiency
OrriSakkistarted grow question 2 years ago
I've been giving them 2 liters each lately, when I water them the soil looks dry on the surface, should I water them more often, or add more each time ??
Feeding. Deficiences
AsNoriuanswered grow question 2 years ago
what is pot size ? 2 liters for 20 or more liters pots could be not enough have small run off, divide amount into parts and water each 5 mins, better saturation girls big normally soil needs wet/dry cycle best to give such amount , that plant would drink it in 3-4 days only lifting pots will tell when to water, if they easy, time too, you feel real weight - wait.
Week 6. Flowering
a year ago
123 cm
20 hrs
35 °C
50 %
3 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
ATA Terra Max - ATAMI
ATA Terra Max 1 mll
Thinks have going good as it gets, I am total newby in this, I know I have lots to learn to get my own thick bushes you see on some pictures, My aim is to get there and then I find some other hobby to master, I was/is in too making fireworks lasts, but on my mind is two of four seeds I bought died, now is close to four months I ordered super silver Haze and it hasn't arrived yet, I will start to day to seek answers, it can dissapair on the way, mabey long arm of laws in some counties but the should let know, so I can order again, this have happened twice and am wondering if I should try again, or is it just waist, buying something you don't get is baste, any suggestions which seed bank I should use, I live in Iceland and the laws are against this, but seeds don't harm any, so it's on a gray zone.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Week 7. Vegetation
a year ago
22 hrs
26 °C
55 %
3 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
ATA Terra Max - ATAMI
ATA Terra Max 1 mll
I think they stopped growing upwards and looks like they consentrade on adding in some meat, Janis 135 cm and little Jimi 105 or so, will be my biggest crop so far, am looking forward to deal with feminized super silver Haze, this is my third auto flower strain season and I think I gathered enough experience for my first try in bit deeper pool, knock on wood.
1 like
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Grow Questions
OrriSakkistarted grow question a year ago
Ok, I m here to learn from the best, us guy's who are trying to master this with help from you with all the experience, I often fall into the fase of trying to create the wheel all by myself even tho it have been known for a wile, after how many days should I start flushing.
Buds. Other
1 like
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
the things people used to say about flushing have been proven wrong. now, they make up new reasons. this is obstinate behaviour and a giant red flag with blinking neon lights sorrounding it and one of those whacky armed inflatable tubemen nearby drawing even more attention from traffic. flush if it makes you feel good. whether soilless / hydro / soil grow will impact when you should flush. Soil you flush longer, and soilless maybe a few days, and hydro maybe 48hours? consider this... outdoor is okay right? and in good conditions it will grow just as good of weed as indoor, though chances are you don't have 100% sunny days over 3-4 months, but still.. now, do they flush the earth wees before harvest? lol, no of course not, because that would be fucking insanity trying to flush the earth of the stuff that provides NPKCaMgS + trace elements. insanity. trichomes on calyxes, not leaves (30x magnification needed) pistils - color change density of buds use all three to determing your harvest point. some of these can vary by genetics, so it's good to use more than 1 observation to decide. read up on it, sure, but do try early-to-late window harvests so you know you are finding what you prefer out of your weed. the example i liek to use is common cold medication, like nyquil. some people fall asleep and a small majority will get hyper from nyquil. I'm in a coma within 30mins of takng nyquil, lol, but not all experience the effects the same way. Same with weed. there is deviation person to person, though not often drastically different.
Week 8. Flowering
a year ago
129 cm
18 hrs
35 °C
50 %
2 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
ATA Terra Max - ATAMI
ATA Terra Max 1 mll
Week went good I think, Janis added 6 cm, they are using less water, so the end/beginning is soon, but that's the whole point I don't have a clue when it is best to start harvesting process, should I wait for these white pimples are more amber ? I changed back to 18-6 I felt Janis getting tired and am trying to get her smile more, would it change if I added more light ? I am going to do so, when the postman arrive.
1 comment
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Grow Questions
OrriSakkistarted grow question a year ago
The leaves on the top bud is turning light green but only on the top one, all other are happily green, should I be worried, I did flush it just now, she have not been taking much nutrition last few days.
Buds. Other
Robertsanswered grow question a year ago
Pictures are not the best but looks like you got a week or two more to go.
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question a year ago
well first things firs, jimi and janis will take longer, at least 4 weeks and having ayellow lightgreen leaf, well could be ANYTHING FROM getting ready to lightburn or or or i wont be cincerned at all , and in this point of grow its nearly impossible to correct anything just go on, get more theoretic input ( books , websites) and you will see your grows will get better and better
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
129 cm
24 hrs
45 °C
45 %
2 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
ATA Terra Max - ATAMI
ATA Terra Max 1 mll
The surprise of the day are these ball like leaves or whatever it is and that thing I that was inside, probably something everyone knows but me. I need advice about the best schedule for flushing and drying in twelve days from now, am getting my daughter over for more than a week and she is 13 years old and no way of she won't notice the smell, and not a chance that I am going to let her discover it, so anyone, 12 days. I'm not using (at least they who make this fertilizer say it is mineral something) not synthetic fertilizer, both plants in soil from the area I live in, does that change any by the flushing part, "synthetic" vs "mineral something" just asking because I don't know and more I google about it less I know.
Used techniques
12-12 From Seed
Grow Questions
OrriSakkistarted grow question a year ago
Does it matter when it comes to flushing if your fertilizer is synthetic or not.And is it normal for Auto flower strain to make something seed like or testicles.Thanks
Buds. Other
1 like
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question a year ago
I always flush at least a week prior to harvest. Even 2 weeks or 3 weeks prior i have known, and do know people that do that for that long. If you are nearly harvest and your leaves are not yellowing and changing colours like they do outdoors in fall, then your plant is loaded with nutrients still and your smoke is gonna not burn well and be harsh on your throat and taste like chemicals. Always flush, especially Hydroponic gardens. Soil seems to be more forgiving, but i still say flush if you want to ensure you have smooth easy burning smoke that tastes good. As far as the little balls are concerned, those are called Calyx. If that were pollinated, a seed would form within it. Those are what your buds are. Just clusters of unpollinated Calyx.
OrriSakkistarted grow question a year ago
Should I flush until the plant starts to show these yellowing leaves or start flushing when it start yellowing by it self, Janis has those yellow leaves, I have been cutting off completely yellow leaves. I probably could flush and dry Janis in 12 days but not Jimi, right
Buds. Other
1 like
FuckYourBroScienceanswered grow question a year ago
Flushing removes as much chlorophyll as possible before harvesting which means far less time having to cure, it’s widely know nutrients alter terpenes taste and smell so getting rid of as much as possible means flower is much better in flavour and burns far more evenly. Sadly there is a small number of clowns who preach plants don’t need flushing, they are the kind who can’t tell the difference between ok weed and real high grade quality or they’ve never truly had 10/10 flower
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
if it makes you feel good as a person, but it doesn't do anything positive for the plant in any normal context of a healthy plant. Some degredation toward end can be inevitable but not 100% of the time. I often have shades of purple or some mild damage at end, but a damaged canopy is not a positive, ever, lol... that's a fundamental misunderstanding of what photosynthesis provides to the plant, lol. That's like thinking a basseball is traveling faster when it hits a catcher's mitt than when it leaves the pitcher's hand.. .because of magic!
DoughHeadanswered grow question a year ago
Yellowing leaves occurs at the end of of the plants life naturally. It also occurs during deficiency and lockout. If near the end it is natural and removing them can be done I tend to leave them for pictures lol. Regarding flushing you only want to do this once the thrichomes are at your desired color.. Get a 60x magnification jewlers loop, ac infinity has one for 10 bucks. Check the thrichomes. For a cerebral high thats uplifting start flush when all are cloudy and very very few are clear. For couch lock body high that is sedative start flush when thrichomes are 30-40% amber and the rest are cloudy. For a good down the middle effect start flushing when 10-15% are amber and the rest are cloudy. If your not forsure you can sacrifice one limb early and although it's not flushed you can compare it to the more mature buds you let go longer, thus learning which effect you prefer more next time. Goodluck. Please consider selecting me as the answer so I can be entered for a chance to win grower of the month contest I would really appreciate your support 😊 🙏


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OrriSakkicommentedweek 42 years ago
Everything going great, using way less fertilizer than recommended on the bottle, mabey 1/4 of recommended dose
Robertscommentedweek 7a year ago
Enjoy the purple haze auto. 🌱🌱🌱
OrriSakkicommentedweek 10a year ago
Police came, and took them,both, sad, I have it now documented I can grow weed, they thought for some reason they would find a field of weed, house is big, thanks for tips, I am now changing hobbis going for making fireworks for the new year 🎊, I really wanted to master this one, I do not know what triggered their visit, and why they thought they would find fields of weed, don't care, yes next hobby, will I do another try, can not tell, not here at least, thanks for the tips, I enjoyed this, I are far from having green fingers, have not kept a cactus alive before this. Janis very big, like Christmas tree, I love the long arm if the laws😴.
Happyjack42commenteda year ago
@OrriSakki, major bummer, those plants were beautiful! ACAB! Good luck out there
OrriSakkicommentedweek 7a year ago
I smoke once every two weeks, I like to get stupid, was a daily smoker, after an accident on a ship, surgery in back, I was told not to walk for 4 months, I bought 120 gr of hash and play station 2 plus tiger woods golfgame 2005 version, this was 2004 before growing weed started in Iceland, last months have been terrible for the average smoker in Iceland, the Albanian mob took over the market by buying from icelandic growers and placing an GPS locator in their vehicle and squealing their location to the police, the sell some crap weed that have been soaked in something they call B-52, artificial shit, that's why I started to do my one. Just saying
YodaNameRcommenteda year ago
@OrriSakki, apparently just call the Canadian government or any major distributer in canada they like to provide to the rest of the world apparently. I was working for a major grower, and it's like Ricky I haven't seen your produce at the market. Hell, there growing methods are similar to the way the"gangs" did it up until 2015 or so. And considering your population is so low, you would think your government would take every opportunity to extract some extra tax dollars. Any ways best of luck on your grow. Jimi and janis are awesome names. Also why not do indoor? Low wattage led lights, carbon filters, small autoflower strains, your plants are only visible to you, and it only stinks when you open the grow room.
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