The only regret I have is not being able to fill the tent completely. I harvested 10 oz from this beautiful girl. You might say, “Sommer, that’s not too bad of a pull from 600w in a 2x4 tent.” No, it’s not. That being said, my scrog has a total of 150 squares making up the screen. The bud sites occupied 78 of those, leaving nearly half of the grow space unused. I could have easily ended up with twice as much if I could have afforded to grow her out in Veg for a few more weeks. I’m not mad. Very happy indeed!
I enjoyed growing this strain and will most likely grow it again. I have the mother in a separate tent. I will only cure 4 oz of the flower. The remaining 6 oz will be made into dry ice hash, and then pressed into rosin. The fresh frozen trim hash I made ended up being amazing. I can’t wait to make more.
The dab I took was insane. Put me into a serious introspective high. Very inside of my own head, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing if it wasn’t for the worst cotton mouth I have ever had in my life. No joke. It was bad lol.
I wish I took more pics, but with the holiday plans weighing down on me, I did bud cutting and put them into jars pretty quick. I wish everyone the most awesome holidays. Rock on.