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Cosmos F1 RQS - Now it's for real

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
a year ago
Custom Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Custom Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Room Type
weeks 5, 7-10
weeks 6-7
weeks 6-7, 9
Carolina Soil XVI
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
0.5 L
2 years ago
Nutrients 2
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix 2 mll
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 50 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 30/10 - Seed placed in a glass with water and hydrogen peroxide for 24 hours. 31/10 - Start to germination in a Easy Start RQS. 05/11 - Germinated seed. Large root and ready for transplanting. Did you like the strain? Want to farm too? Use the coupon GROWERS20 on the RQS website and get 20% off 😱
Used method
Peat Pellet
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
4 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
70 %
22 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix 2 mll
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 50 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 05/11 - Even though the plant was small, the root was already 7cm long, so I transplanted it to the final pot. Add 30ml of water around the plant. 06/11 - Add 20ml of water around the plant. 08/11 - Add 50ml of water around the plant. 09/11 - Add 50ml of water around the plant. 10/11 - Add 50ml of water around the plant. 12/11 - Add 100ml of water around the plant. It's over 35 degrees outside, the temperature in the greenhouse is between 28°C and 30.5°C, I can't get it any lower.
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
7 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
65 %
26 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 4
Alga Grow - PLAGRON.
Alga Grow 2 mll
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix 0.001 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 14/11 - Add 150ml of water around the plant. 15/11 - Add 150ml of water around the plant. 16/11 - Add 150ml of water around the plant. 17/11 - First day of watering with fertilizer, add 2 ml/L of Alga Grow, add 1 ml/L of Sugar Royal. Water with 150ml. - There is a very strong heat wave here and the greenhouse exceeded 31°C even with 2 exhaust fans and fans on. I believe it can affect the size of the plant (I think it is small). 19/11 - Add 150ml of water with fertilizer (2ml/L Alga Grow + 1ml/l Sugar Royal). (external temperatures dropping, greenhouse between 25°C-28°C now 🙏) PLAGRON, FIND OUT MORE - https://plagron.com/en/hobby
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
11 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
65 %
26 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Alga Grow - PLAGRON.
Alga Grow 4 mll
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 21/11 - Add 150ml of water with fertilizer (2ml/L Alga Grow + 1ml/l Sugar Royal). 23/11 - Add 300ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Grow + 1ml/l Sugar Royal). 25/11 - Add 300ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Grow + 1ml/l Sugar Royal). - Plant reacting well, due to the heat, apparently will remain small. 27/11 - Add 300ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Grow + 1ml/l Sugar Royal). - Dehumidifier on, humidity above 75%. PLAGRON, FIND OUT MORE - https://plagron.com/en/hobby
1 comment
Week 4. Vegetation
a year ago
15 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
65 %
26 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 6
CalBor Mag 1 mll
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 4 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 29/11 - Add 200ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Grow + 1ml/l Sugar Royal). 01/12 - Add 400ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Grow + 1ml/l Sugar Royal). 03/12 - Add 400ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Bloom + 1ml/l Sugar Royal + 1ml/l Power Buds). 05/12 - Add 400ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Bloom + 1ml/l Sugar Royal + 1ml/l Power Buds + 1ml/l CalBor Mag). - hey, apparently the plant was deficient in calcium, so I started watering it with CalBor Mag. I will monitor the plant over the next few days. - Pre-flowering plant, changing from Alga Grow to Alga Bloom, and adding PowerBuds, I'm excited about plagron fertilizers. 👽 PLAGRON, FIND OUT MORE - https://plagron.com/en/hobby
Week 5. Flowering
a year ago
35 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
65 %
29 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 6
CalBor Mag 1 mll
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 4 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html - NOTHING I try is able to lower the temperature, with peaks above 30°C. Even with exhaust fans and fans 24 hours a day. Even so, the plant still looks healthy. - LED with 90% of luminous capacity. 07/12 - Add 400ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Bloom + 1ml/l Sugar Royal + 1ml/l Power Buds + 1ml/l CalBor Mag). - I removed some small leaves. 09/12 - Add 400ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Bloom + 1ml/l Sugar Royal + 1ml/l Power Buds + 1ml/l CalBor Mag) 11/12 - Add 450ml of water with fertilizer (4ml/L Alga Bloom + 1ml/l Sugar Royal + 1ml/l Power Buds + 1ml/l CalBor Mag). - Temperature dropped to 27°C-25°C 🙌 - Smell starting to exude more
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
a year ago
60 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
55 %
29 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 7
Calbor Mag 0.5 mll
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 0.5 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 1.5 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 - A heat wave is in the city, temperatures exceeding 30°C and there is nothing to do. - I will do a Flush and reduce the amount of fertilizers. 16/12 - FLUSH. 18/12 - Add 450ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). - By reducing the dosage of fertilizers, and reducing the humidity, I still have plants in vega for another week, after which I must try to lower them to 50% RH. - Including Green Sensation in fertilizers. 20/12 - Add 500ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). PLAGRON, FIND OUT MORE - https://plagron.com/en/hobby
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
a year ago
60 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
55 %
28 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 7
Calbor Mag 0.5 mll
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 0.5 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 1.5 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 22/12 - Add 500ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). 24/12 - Add 500ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). - Change 12/12 26/12 - Add 700ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). 28/12 - Add 700ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). - Some pistils already changing color, a month or less until harvest. PLAGRON, FIND OUT MORE - https://plagron.com/en/hobby
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
a year ago
70 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
55 %
28 °C
11 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 7
Calbor Mag 0.5 mll
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 0.5 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 1.5 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------HAPPY NEY YEAR 👽-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30/12 - Add 700ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). 01/01 - Add 700ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). - I found some tips, I will look for other pests and start combating them immediately. 03/01 - Add 700ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). 05/01 - Add 700ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). - After another week. - All the leaves are contaminated, I must hold until week 10/11 and use the knife. - Outside temperature exceeding 32° every day. The temperature inside the grow sometimes exceeds 30°C, be patient, there is nothing you can do. PLAGRON, FIND OUT MORE - https://plagron.com/en/hobby
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
70 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
55 %
29 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 10
Calbor Mag 0.5 mll
Best Shield 1 mll
Final Explosion 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 - All the leaves are contaminated, I must hold until week 10/11 and use the knife. - Outside temperature exceeding 32° every day. The temperature inside the grow sometimes exceeds 30°C, be patient, there is nothing you can do. 07/01 - Add 700ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag). 09/01 - Add 700ml of water with fertilizer (1.5ml/l Alga Bloom + 0.5ml/l Sugar Royal + 0.5ml/l Power Buds + 0.5ml/l Green Sensation + 0.5ml/l CalBor Mag + 1ml/l Best Shield + 1ml/l Final Explosion). - Add best shield (silica) to try to reduce the damage from high temperature + trips. - Add Final Explosion to try to fatten up the buds this last week(s). - I should do at least 3 more waterings and see how the plant behaves until then. May she hold on a little longer. 11/01 - Add 1000ml of water with 1ml/l Best Shield. testing whether the plant absorbs what is still in the soil with silica along with it. - PH 6.4 - Plant with several amber trichomes, I should start the flush tomorrow. And harvest within the next few days. 13/01 - Flush Time! Add 3500ml of water with 1ml/l Total Flush, - Monitoring the trichomes with the lens until harvest. - Harvest should take place next week. (I accept tips on what to do, what would you do? You can only lower the temperature with air conditioning, but I don't have the money for that.) 👽😺 PLAGRON, FIND OUT MORE - https://plagron.com/en/hobby
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
70 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
55 %
31 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
Total Flush 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 COSMOS F1 - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/f1-hybrid-cannabis-seeds/619-cosmos-f1.html Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/452-easy-roots-mycorrhiza-mix.html Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/growing/334-easy-boost-organic-nutrition.html CODE 20% OFF 🙀🙀🙀🙀 - GROWERS20 13/01 - Flush Time! Add 3500ml of water with 1ml/l Total Flush, - Monitoring the trichomes with the lens until harvest. - Harvest should take place next week. Hey, last week of flowering. I still don't know the exact harvest day, but it's very close. 👽 - Temperatures exceeding 32°C even at 11 p.m. It's very hot here, with the LED on it can reach 32°. There's nothing you can do, unfortunately. - Humidity around 50%-65%, it doesn't go any lower than that, the LED on even decreases, but increase the temperature. 15/01 - Flush Time! Add 3500ml of water with 1ml/l Total Flush, 17/01 - Add 1000ml of water. PH 6.5 (I accept tips on what to do, what would you do? You can only lower the temperature with air conditioning, but I don't have the money for that.) 👽😺 PLAGRON, FIND OUT MORE - https://plagron.com/en/hobby
Used techniques
Week 11. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Hey, here we are after another harvest 👽 - Well, I would have liked to have left it a few more days, but due to the thrips attack, I decided to harvest on 01/20. - Trips attack happened right after the 8th week, so I couldn't use any product and biological controllers are difficult around here, - The performance was certainly affected, with the total weight being 55g wet. - The good part is that the strain is very resistant and creates several sprouts on the plant, with pest-free cultivation, you can certainly have a good yield. - The aroma is not the strongest, but it is very pleasant, a strong smell of pine and a little pepper. - Drying is already being done in another smaller greenhouse with a fan and exhaust fan, a dehumidifier is connected outside, for greater control.
Show more
Spent 72 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
55 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Hey, here we are after another harvest 👽 - Well, I would have liked to have left it a few more days, but due to the thrips attack, I decided to harvest on 01/20. - Trips attack happened right after the 8th week, so I couldn't use any product and biological controllers are difficult around here, - The performance was certainly affected, with the total weight being 55g wet. - The good part is that the strain is very resistant and creates several sprouts on the plant, with pest-free cultivation, you can certainly have a good yield. - The aroma is not the strongest, but it is very pleasant, a strong smell of pine and a little pepper. - Drying is already being done in another smaller greenhouse with a fan and exhaust fan, a dehumidifier is connected outside, for greater control.


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Sejanus21commentedweek 9a year ago
I keep my fingers crossed. Good job!
TheNextGanjaMancommenteda year ago
@Sejanus21, Thanks, almost done here 👽
TheNextGanjaMancommenteda year ago
BrigadeDesTerpscommentedweek 7a year ago
Good Luck and happy grow 💪🏻🌱
TheNextGanjaMancommenteda year ago
@BrigadeDesTerps,Thanks!! 👽
Sejanus21commentedweek 7a year ago
Looks perfect!
TheNextGanjaMancommenteda year ago
@Sejanus21, Thanks. I'm getting more right than making mistakes, the results are showing. 👽
MalumProhibitumcommentedweek 2a year ago
It looks promising and is mesmerizing in its lush greenness!👊😊--🍀
TheNextGanjaMancommenteda year ago
@MalumProhibitum, thanks!! 👽 I hope it grows well.
Jamescommentedweek 02 years ago
Keep on growing mate!🙌
TheNextGanjaMancommented2 years ago
@James, Thanks man! 👽
TheNextGanjaMancommentedweek 9a year ago
Harvest should take place next week. OMG 👽
TheNextGanjaMancommentedweek 3a year ago
Increasing the fertilizer dose to 4ml/L of Alga Grow.
TheNextGanjaMancommentedweek 2a year ago
Second week completed, fertilization begins. I expect progress in the coming days. 🙏👽
the end.
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