
Chocolate Mint OG

Approved by Humboldt Seed Organization
6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 13
12 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Commented by
Hellhazard Hellhazard
6 years ago
What can I say? I've told at least 4 other people to purchase these seeds from Humboldt. They are just such a pleasure to grow, easy and give excellent returns in bag appeal, scent and yield. The purple fade is crazy, going to gold colours and everything in between. There are trichomes everywhere, even under the sugar leaves is coated and this plant is OILY with very thick sugar leaves. It would make great trim sifted hash or bubble hash with the need to trim this bud deep into the flowers because the leaves are super coated in goodness. The girl has done flowering, no noticeable size difference from last week but I am not chopping her untill I feel satisfied that the nutes are flushed out...I want a nice , tasty burn. She smells very similar to the other 2 genetics I am growing so I am starting to think it is my nutrients giving the terps that sweet smell of overripe melons although this Chocolate Mint OG has a slight diesel fuel scent in the very background which is in no way pronounced. Sweet, Nutty...hint of lavender The buds grew very tight, they seem almost dry but arent. I just love the colours and can hardly wait to smoke this tiny nug I cut off!!! 7 more days for this baby at least.
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Mysteriousgrowercommentedweek 136 years ago
Wanted to do this strain for a year. Wasnt any dairies then but so glad there is now. Will be going to getting them next week. Unless @Humboldt_Seed_Organisation would like to donate some ;)
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iMeuscommentedweek 146 years ago
Oh my those are some beautiful dark buds! Need to get my hands on some of those 😍
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@iMeus,They look almost black now from curing :)
TheWeedMancommentedweek 146 years ago
These buds sound and look awesome
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@@TheWeedMan, They are great buds. Rock solid, stanky, oily and burn beautiful.
Mysteriousgrowercommentedweek 136 years ago
Wanted to do this strain for a year. Wasnt any dairies then but so glad there is now. Will be going to getting them next week. Unless @Humboldt_Seed_Organisation would like to donate some ;)
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@Mysteriousgrower, I definitely recommend this strain. I quick dried that one lower bud. It was just enough for a zigzig paper. Smoked it with my wife and we both had a very strong high from it. I should have written down the taste and effects but didnt....It was really good though....Getting the chop in a couple of days :)
deadstockgeneticscommentedweek 136 years ago
Wow, looking amazing bro!!! Hyped for a final yield
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@deadstockgenetics, The yield will be ok, the quality will be superbe for sure! Thanks for the compliment bro
ROM101commentedweek 106 years ago
Looks great!! Definitely want to give this strain a go in the future! Nice work dudeπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@ROM101, Humboldt has quite a few very good strains out right now. This is one of their most potent (on paper at least). Seems to be growing beautifully indoors.
CANNACANUCKcommentedweek 136 years ago
Wow, @Hellhazard those look good. Hope they smoke just as nice.
Eauderaycommentedweek 116 years ago
Looking dank and Yummy! Well done!
ladycococommentedweek 106 years ago
looking stunning, keep up your great work :)
Some stunning shots of our Chocolate mint og well into bloom πŸ‘Œ Please keep the diary and updates coming as we would love to see how this turns out πŸ‘ Thank you for documenting your HSO adventure on the grow diary platform, we will drop back in on the next update to check progress out πŸ‘Š Kind regards Team-HSO..
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@Humboldt_Seed_Organisation, Hello Mark....I am really shocked with how well this strain is doing (considering I did zero pre-studying of this strain). It looks just like the magazine says it should, unlike most other genetic breeders claims of their work where you get the undesirable phenos in your grow. The last photos and video were of day 42...I am thinking to take her straight to day 63 to harvest. That leaves me until this weekend to continue feeding with Overdrive. I'll be using Flawless Finish around day 52 with a heavy flush a few hours or day after and then plain water PH'd to 6.2 until harvest around 10 days after that. In the past I wet trimmed but I think this time I will dry trim.
Humboldt_Seed_Organisationcommented6 years ago
@Hellhazard, That's what we like to hear 😎 You are not to far away from the finish line my friend. Do you have a week in mind for harvest? Will you be reducing feed as harvest approaches? And, Will you be doing a plane water flush? Keep up the great work mate. Your doing a fine job πŸ‘ With love from Humboldt County ✌️ Kind regards Mark..
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@Humboldt_Seed_Organisation, I will be doing a weekly update until harvest now. :)
Congratulations on the harvest my friend. Those flower looked amazing and once dry you are going to have some very tasty end product that you will love πŸ‘ Chocolate mint og is a Emerald triangle treasure and I'm so glad the rest of the world are getting to try this outstanding creating. Filled with that Emerald triangle OG and crossed to the legendary GDP(GrandDaddy Purps) How can you go wrong πŸ‘Š Pleas let us know your thoughts on our Chocolate mint og once fully dry and cured of course πŸ‘ Until then thank you for documenting your HSO adventure on the grow diary platform and enjoy that dank and frosty end product πŸ™ With love from Humboldt County ✌️ Kind regards Team-HSO.
HjelmVaporcommented6 years ago
@Hellhazard, I will attest the bud was incredible , you inspired me to plant 5 seeds , even got them from the same friend 🀣
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@Humboldt_Seed_Organisation, The dried bud is unbelievable. It is curing very nicely in jars right now and already is awesome to smoke. The scent has moved from gassy to earthy but as soon as you pinch a bud it fills the entire room with sweet woody scents.... Incredible bud. Every one of my grower friends is drooling over the samples..... Too bad I only had the one seed, this strain deserves a full run and people want to enjoy it
Now that's some dank and frosty end product mate πŸ‘Œ Congratulations on the Chocolate mint og harvest. I agree, more people need to grow this emerald triangle treasure. Packed full of flavour and those flowers once dry and when in full bloom are simply, stunning πŸ‘Œ Diary approved buddy πŸ‘Š With love from Humboldt County ✌️ Kind regards Team-HSO..
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@Humboldt_Seed_Organisation_Seed_Organisation, A friend of mine loved the home grown Chocolate Mint OG soooooo much...that he went out and spent $1000 on a tent,cob lighting ect to grow his own!!! He picked up seeds and even started a grow diary...Grower name @HjelmVapor ....Wish him luck :)
LegalGrowZAcommentedweek 146 years ago
So prominent in that GDP. Beautiful! Can't wait to pop mine!