Unfortunately one of the two Wedding Cakes was genetically handicapped and although lately I've had a lot of fun seeing what comes out of difficult little girls, it has nothing to do with man and people are different of course don't blame me but I decided to uproot the plant. I've never done it before but with how expensive energy is, it's not very productive to run plants that will probably have some problems.
Having said that, the other one is fine and we can't wait to start the topping. We did an excellent transplant job and sparingly added the fantastic Bio Grow from Green House Feeding, sparingly because we do topping and if you do topping you MUST NOT EXAGGERATE WITH THE GROW.
>>> My favorite feeding at the moment
>>> Music of the week Radio Nula from Slovenia
"I can see the light"
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@DutchFarmer, thanks bro ever very kind i just finished to harvest this girl and is soooo beautiful is in drying room and harvest report coming soon really super strain too