The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Skunk Dream CBD | Sensi Seeds

a year ago
a year ago
GER (14-7 t/m 16-7) Skunk Dream - Sensi Skunk x Alpine Delight CBD Type: Gefeminiseerde soort Sativa / indica: 70% sativa 30% indica Bloeitijd: Gemiddeld 70 tot 75 dagen Hoogte: Hoog maar compacte plant, in de bloeifase groeit ze relatief weinig Opbrengst binnen: Maximaal 550 tot 600 gram per m² Klimaat zones: Zonnig / mediterraan klimaat THC / CBD: 1:26 (THC: 0.25% CBD: 7%) Smaak en geur: Kruidig en floraal, met pittige tonen van diesel Ik ga weer voor de Skunk Dream CBD van Sensi Seeds, deze strain heb ik gekweekt bij mijn aller eerste grow. Ik heb toen veel beginners fouten gemaakt, dus ben erg benieuwd hoe het deze keer gaat. 14-7 Zaadje ter ontkieming gelegd in een natte koffie filter. 15-7 Na 24 uur is er al een worteltje te zien, deze is ongeveer 1 cm dus ze kan de grond in! Ik heb een 0.5 liter potje gevuld met Plagron Light Mix en voorbewaterd met Spa Reine. Ze staat nu onder een 20W lamp die ik aan laat tot ze boven de grond is. 16-7 Temperatuur: 30.2 graden (hoogste) 25 graden (laagste) Luchtvochtigheid: 47% (hoogste) 34% (laagste) Ze is boven de grond en heeft haar helmpje af gedaan! 17-7 Temperatuur: 28.4 graden (hoogste) 23.8 graden (laagste) Luchtvochtigheid: 46% (hoogste) 37% (laagste)
Used method
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
28 °C
200 PPM
59 %
23 °C
1 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Rootbastic - ATAMI
Rootbastic 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 0.5 mll
Week 1 (18-7 to 24-7) 18-7 Temperature: 30.9 degrees (lights on) 24.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 36% (lowest) Watering: 10 ml. 19-7 Temperature: 30.5 degrees (lights on) 25 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 63% (highest) 41% (lowest) Watering: None. 20-7 Temperature: 29.9 degrees (lights on) 23 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 40% (lowest) Watering: 79 ml. Today i moved her into the tent as the temperature in the pre-grow cabin is getting a bit high. I set the light at 30% power with a distance of 70 cm. 21-7 Temperature: 25.9 degrees (lights on) 22.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 51% (highest) 37% (lowest) Watering: None. 22-7 Temperature: 25.4 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 40% (lowest) Watering: 92 ml. 23-7 Temperature: 25.2 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 52% (lowest) Watering: None. 24-7 Temperature: 25.8 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: None. I set the light at 40% power with a distance of 60 cm. LUX: 6.000
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
26 °C
200 PPM
61 %
22 °C
1 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Rootbastic - ATAMI
Rootbastic 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 0.5 mll
Week 2 (25-7 to 31-7) 25-7 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 20.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 40% (lowest) Watering: None. 26-7 Temperature: 25.4 degrees (lights on) 20.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 51% (highest) 39% (lowest) Watering: 38 ml. 27-7 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 44% (lowest) Watering: 24 ml. Because its summer the humidity is low. So i installed a humidity sensor and a humidifier to control the humidity. 28-7 Temperature: 27 degrees (lights on) 22.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 58% (lowest) Watering: 28 ml. 29-7 Temperature: 26.3 degrees (lights on) 23.3 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 59% (lowest) Watering: 30 ml. 30-7 Temperature: 24.8 degrees (lights on) 22.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: 39 ml. 31-7 Temperature: 25.9 degrees (lights on) 21.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 63% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: 40 ml.
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
25 °C
250 PPM
66 %
21 °C
22 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Rootbastic - ATAMI
Rootbastic 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 0.8 mll
Week 3 (1-8 to 7-8) 1-8 Temperature: 25.2 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 57% (lowest) Watering: 50 ml. 2-8 Temperature: 25.1 degrees (lights on) 20.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 62% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: 47 ml. 3-8 Temperature: 25.8 degrees (lights on) 21.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 57% (lowest) Watering: 850 ml. Today i transplanted her in a home made 22L airpot. I added 2 scoops of Micro Vita to the soil. 4-8 Temperature: 25 degrees (lights on) 21.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 69% (highest) 58% (lowest) Watering: None. 5-8 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 21.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 58% (lowest) Watering: 800 ml. 6-8 Temperature: 24.8 degrees (lights on) 21.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 58% (lowest) Watering: None. Today i defoliated her, and removed the bottom shoots. 7-8 Temperature: 24.5 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 57% (lowest) Watering: None.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
25 °C
200 PPM
66 %
21 °C
22 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 4 (8-8 to 14-8) 8-8 Temperature: 23.9 degrees (lights on) 20.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: 100 ml. 9-8 Temperature: 24.6 degrees (lights on) 20.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 62% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 500 ml. Today i set the lamp at 60% with a distance of 51 cm. LUX: 10.550 10-8 Temperature: 26.1 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 52% (lowest) Watering: None. Today i set the lamp at 80% with a distance of 50 cm. LUX: 16.500 Online i found a chart with the recommended LUX values of each growing stage, so i am testing how she handles 80% 11-8 Temperature: 30.2 degrees (lights on) 22.3 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: 500 ml. 12-8 Temperature: 29.8 degrees (lights on) 23.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 77% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: 500 ml. 13-8 Temperature: 28.9 degrees (lights on) 22.3 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: None. 14-8 Temperature: 30.9 degrees (lights on) 22.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. Lamp distance 55 cm.
Week 5. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
65 %
22 °C
22 L
1 L
55 cm
Nutrients 2
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 5 (15-8 to 21-8) 15-8 Temperature: 29.4 degrees (lights on) 23.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 74% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: 950 ml. Today i set the lamp to 70% strenth, distance is 55 cm. LUX: 11.250 16-8 Temperature: 26.8 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 68% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. 17-8 Temperature: 26.1 degrees (lights on) 19.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 72% (highest) 57% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. I added some more soil to the pot. 18-8 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 77% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: None. Today i topped and defoliated her. Normally i would have topped her sooner but i forgot to do that. She is growing nicely, and the leaves are quite big aswell. 19-8 Temperature: 28.4 degrees (lights on) 22.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 85% (highest) 61% (lowest) Watering: None. 20-8 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 22.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 71% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. 21-8 Temperature: 27.7 degrees (lights on) 21.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 73% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. Today i set the lamp to 75% strength. LUX: 12000
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
63 %
22 °C
22 L
1 L
54 cm
Nutrients 2
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 6 (22-8 to 28-8) 22-8 Temperature: 27.9 degrees (lights on) 22.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. Removed the bottom 2 shoots and fanleaves. 23-8 Temperature: 27.6 degrees (lights on) 21.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: 1250 ml. 24-8 Temperature: 27.8 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 74% (highest) 58% (lowest) Watering: None. 25-8 Temperature: 27.6 degrees (lights on) 23.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 81% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: 2000 ml. 26-8 Temperature: 26.2 degrees (lights on) 21.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 72% (highest) 59% (lowest) Watering: 750 ml. Today i defoliated her and i installed the SCROG rack. I set the lamp from 75% to 80% strength. The distance of the lamp and the canopy is at 54 cm. LUX: 13.700 27-8 Temperature: 27.7 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 75% (highest) 53% (lowest) Watering: 1250 ml. Today i attached the shoots to the rack. 28-8 Temperature: 26.9 degrees (lights on) 21.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 68% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: 200 ml.
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
a year ago
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
62 %
21 °C
22 L
1 L
55 cm
Nutrients 3
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 0.4 mll
Week 7 (29-8 to 4-9) 29-8 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 53% (lowest) Watering: 1200 ml. 30-8 Temperature: 27.7 degrees (lights on) 20.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 53% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. Removed some leaves today. 31-8 Temperature: 26.8 degrees (lights on) 20.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 52% (lowest) Watering: 1250 ml. 1-9 Temperature: 27.1 degrees (lights on) 20.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 71% (highest) 57% (lowest) Watering: 1250 ml. 2-9 Temperature: 27.2 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 77% (highest) 59% (lowest) Watering: None. 3-9 Temperature: 27.1 degrees (lights on) 20.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 52% (lowest) Watering: 1250 ml. Today i set the lamp to 12 hours on and 12 hours off, and removed some more leaves. 4-9 Temperature: 27.6 degrees (lights on) 21.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 72% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: 1500 ml, with 0.4 gr Hybrids. PH: 6.4 EC: 0.9 The distance between the lamp and the canopy is 55 cm. LUX: 11300
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
a year ago
12 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
70 %
22 °C
22 L
1 L
44 cm
Nutrients 3
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Hybrids  - Green House Feeding
Hybrids 0.5 mll
Week 8 (5-9 to 11-9) 5-9 Temperature: 27.9 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 73% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: None. Removed some leaves. 6-9 Temperature: 28.2 degrees (lights on) 22.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 77% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: 1250 ml. 7-9 Temperature: 28.9 degrees (lights on) 22.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 77% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. Removed some leaves. 8-9 Temperature: 29.5 degrees (lights on) 23.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 72% (highest) 61% (lowest) Watering: None. 9-9 Temperature: 28.9 degrees (lights on) 21.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 81% (highest) 65% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. 10-9 Temperature: 29.5 degrees (lights on) 22.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 79% (highest) 66% (lowest) Watering: 2500 ml, with 0.5 gr Hybrids. PH 6.5 EC: 1.1 11-9 Temperature: 29.4 degrees (lights on) 23.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 90% (highest) 64% (lowest) Watering: None. I set the strength of the light to 80%, distance is 44 cm. LUX: 16.900
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
a year ago
12 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
72 %
21 °C
22 L
1 L
44 cm
Nutrients 3
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 9 (12-9 to 18-9) 12-9 Temperature: 27.7 degrees (lights on) 22.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 91% (highest) 71% (lowest) Watering: 1500 ml. 13-9 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 19.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 84% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: None. Did a heavy defoliation today. The light is at 35/41 cm distance. LUX: 19.500 / 21.000 14-9 Temperature: 26.5 degrees (lights on) 20.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: 3000 ml. 15-9 Temperature: 26.8 degrees (lights on) 20.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 73% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: None. 16-9 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 80% (highest) 61% (lowest) Watering: 2500 ml. 17-9 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 89% (highest) 61% (lowest) Watering: None. 18-9 Temperature: 26.9 degrees (lights on) 21.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 97% (highest) 69% (lowest) Watering: 1500 ml, with 0.3 ml CalMag per liter. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
27 °C
300 PPM
68 %
20 °C
22 L
1 L
44 cm
Nutrients 4
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 10 (19-9 to 25-9) 19-9 Temperature: 26.9 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 77% (highest) 64% (lowest) Watering: 1500 ml. 20-9 Temperature: 27.2 degrees (lights on) 21.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 86% (highest) 66% (lowest) Watering: None. 21-9 Temperature: 27.2 degrees (lights on) 21.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 86% (highest) 66% (lowest) Watering: 2300 ml, with 0.80 gr Hybrids per liter. PH 6.5 EC: 1.4 22-9 to 24-9 no watering and temps etc. 25-9 Temperature: 26.9 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 2500 ml, with 0.3 ml CalMag per liter. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
27 °C
850 PPM
68 %
21 °C
22 L
44 cm
Nutrients 5
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 11 (26-9 to 2-10) 26-9 Temperature: 26.5 degrees (lights on) 19.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: None. 27-9 Temperature: 26.4 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 82% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: 1500 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 1.7 (with Hybrids & PK+) 28-9 Temperature: 26.2 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 74% (highest) 57% (lowest) Watering: 1100 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 29-9 Temperature: 26.8 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 92% (highest) 59% (lowest) Watering: 800 ml with Hybrids & PK+ and 1000 ml without Hybrids & PK+ PH 6.4 EC: 0.6/1.7 30-9 Temperature: 28.6 degrees (lights on) 21.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 81% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: None. I set the light to 85% strength, with a distance of 30 cm (highest tops) LUX: 20.400 / 26.200 1-10 Temperature: 28.4 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 77% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 2-10 Temperature: 28.7 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 88% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+)
Week 12. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
28 °C
900 PPM
70 %
20 °C
22 L
1 L
44 cm
Nutrients 5
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 12 (3-10 to 9-10) 3-10 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 20 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 86% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: 1200 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 1.8 (with Hybrids & PK+) 4-10 Temperature: 27.3 degrees (lights on) 19.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 72% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: None. 5-10 Temperature: 25.8 degrees (lights on) 19.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 80% (highest) 82% (lowest) Watering: 700 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) Last night i accidentally let the light at 20% strength, so the whole day the light was on the lowest wattage. 6-10 Temperature: 28.6 degrees (lights on) 21.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 81% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 7-10 Watering: None. 8-10 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 18.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 85% (highest) 53% (lowest) Watering: 1300 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 9-10 Temperature: 27.9 degrees (lights on) 19.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 80% (highest) 52% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+)
1 like
Week 13. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
26 °C
300 PPM
63 %
20 °C
22 L
1 L
33.25 cm
Nutrients 3
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 13 (10-10 to 16-10) 10-10 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 20.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 82% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: 1250 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) The strength of the light is set to 90%, distance is at 29.5 cm / 37 cm. LUX: 22.300 / 27.300 11-10 Temperature: 26.6 degrees (lights on) 20.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 74% (highest) 52% (lowest) Watering: 700 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 12-10 Temperature: 26.8 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 76% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: 400 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 13-10 Temperature: 26.8 degrees (lights on) 20.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 85% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 14-10 Temperature: 24.9 degrees (lights on) 19.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 74% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: None. 15-10 Temperature: 23.8 degrees (lights on) 18.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 1200 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 16-10 Temperature: 23.5 degrees (lights on) 19.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 54% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+)
Week 14. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
24 °C
850 PPM
60 %
18 °C
22 L
1 L
33.25 cm
Nutrients 5
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 14 (17-10 to 23-10) 17-10 Temperature: 23.4 degrees (lights on) 17.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: 400 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 18-10 Temperature: 23.6 degrees (lights on) 17.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: 900 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 19-10 Temperature: 24.3 degrees (lights on) 17.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 81% (highest) 59% (lowest) Watering: 1210 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 1.7 (with Hybrids & PK+) 20-10 Temperature: 25.1 degrees (lights on) 18.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 84% (highest) 62% (lowest) Watering: None. 21-10 Temperature: 25.6 degrees (lights on) 18.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 99% (highest) 64% (lowest) Watering: 1200 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 (without Hybrids & PK+) 22-10 Temperature: 25.8 degrees (lights on) 19.3 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 89% (highest) 63% (lowest) Watering: None. 23-10 Temperature: 25.7 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 89% (highest) 60% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 1.7 (with Hybrids & PK+)
1 like
Week 15. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
24 °C
300 PPM
65 %
18 °C
22 L
1 L
33.25 cm
Nutrients 3
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1 mll
Week 15 (24-10 to 30-10) 24-10 Temperature: 25.3 degrees (lights on) 19.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 87% (highest) 55% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 25-10 Temperature: 23.9 degrees (lights on) 18.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 79% (highest) 57% (lowest) Watering: None. 26-10 Temperature: 22.8 degrees (lights on) 17.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 76% (highest) 53% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 27-10 Temperature: 23.9 degrees (lights on) 17.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 77% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: 1300 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6 28-10 Not home, no watering. 29-10 Temperature: 24.1 degrees (lights on) 16.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 73% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: None. 30-10 Temperature: 25 degrees (lights on) 17.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: 700 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.6
Week 16. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
25 °C
900 PPM
57 %
19 °C
22 L
1 L
33.25 cm
Nutrients 5
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1.3 mll
Week 16 (31-10 to 6-11) 31-10 Temperature: 26.1 degrees (lights on) 18.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.6 Last week i forgot to make the pictures with lights off at the end of the week, so from now i will shoot them every first day of the week. 1-11 Temperature: 25.6 degrees (lights on) 19.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 68% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.6 2-11 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 18.3 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 45% (lowest) Watering: None. 3-11 Temperature: 25.1 degrees (lights on) 18.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 1.8 (with Hybrids & PK+) My PH pen was not working properly anymore, so i bought an new one, its a bit expensive, but its a good one, and measures the PH and EC. 4-11 Temperature: 24.6 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.7 5-11 Temperature: 24.8 degrees (lights on) 18.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.7 6-11 Temperature: 24.7 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.7
Week 17. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
24 °C
950 PPM
57 %
18 °C
22 L
1 L
33.25 cm
Nutrients 5
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 1.3 mll
Week 17 (7-11 to 13-11) 7-11 Temperature: 24.3 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.7 8-11 Temperature: 24.8 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: 340 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.7 9-11 Temperature: 25.4 degrees (lights on) 19 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 46% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 1.9 (with Hybrids & PK+) 10-11 Temperature: 24.2 degrees (lights on) 19 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.7 11-11 Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.7 12-11 Temperature: 24.2 degrees (lights on) 16.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: None. 13-11 Temperature: 23.2 degrees (lights on) 16.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 600 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.7
Week 18. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
24 °C
800 PPM
57 %
18 °C
22 L
1 L
33.25 cm
Nutrients 5
Silica Power - B.A.C.
Silica Power 0.2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 0.3 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 0.8 mll
Week 18 (14-11 to 20-11) 14-11 Temperature: 24.5 degrees (lights on) 17.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 50% (lowest) Watering: None. 15-11 Temperature: 24.7 degrees (lights on) 18.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 59% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 1.6 (with Hybrids & PK+) 16-11 Temperature: 24.5 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.5 17-11 Temperature: 25.1 degrees (lights on) 18.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.5 18-11 Temperature: 24 degrees (lights on) 18.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.5 19-11 Temperature: 25.2 degrees (lights on) 18.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.4 EC: 0.5 20-11 Temperature: 25.4 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 62% (highest) 48% (lowest) Watering: None.
Week 19. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
25 °C
55 %
19 °C
22 L
1 L
33.25 cm
Week 19 (21-11 to 27-11) 21-11 Temperature: 25.2 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.0 From today i will flush them, and wont give them any nutrients anymore. 22-11 Temperature: 25.2 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 48% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.0 23-11 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 48% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.0 24-11 Temperature: 24.8 degrees (lights on) 19.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 62% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.0 25-11 Temperature: 24.3 degrees (lights on) 18.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.0 As you can see on the pictures, there are some buds turning brown and dry. I think because of the high humidity these buds have budrot inside and thats the reason why they dry out since the humidity is not so high anymore. Lets see how it goes. 26-11 Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.0 27-11 Temperature: 24.8 degrees (lights on) 17.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: None.
Week 20. Flowering
a year ago
12 hrs
23 °C
54 %
17 °C
22 L
1 L
33.25 cm
Week 20 (28-11 to 29-11) 28-11 Temperature: 23.2 degrees (lights on) 17.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 62% (highest) 47% (lowest) Watering: 1000 ml. PH 6.5 EC: 0.0 29-11 Temperature: 23.2 degrees (lights on) 16.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 62% (highest) 46% (lowest) Watering: None. I will harvest her tomorrow!
Week 21. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 142 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
116 g
Bud dry weight per plant

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Week 21 (30-11 to ?????) 30-11 Today i harvested her! I removed all the fan leaves and left the buds on the branches to dry. 1-12 Temperature: 16°c to 19.5°c Humidity: 50% to 56% 2-12 Temperature: 14.7°c to 18.5°c Humidity: 54% to 57% 3-12 Temperature: 16.1°c to 18.9°c Humidity: 54% to 59% 4-12 Temperature: 15.5°c to 17.5°c Humidity: 57% to 62% 5-12 Temperature: 15.2°c to 17.7°c Humidity: 60% to 71% 6-12 Temperature: 16.5°c to 17.8°c Humidity: 60% to 66% 7-12 Temperature: 16.4°c to 17.9°c Humidity: 57% to 63% 8-12 Temperature: 16.6°c to 18.5°c Humidity: 56% to 60% 9-12 Temperature: 16.9°c to 19°c Humidity: 57% to 62% 10-12 Temperature: 17.4°c to 19.5°c Humidity: 60% to 64% 12-12 Temperature: 17.9°c to 20.1°c Humidity: 61% to 76% 14-12 The buds felt dry enough and ready to get their final trim before they go into the jar for curing! Trimjail it is! 16-12 Today i finished trimming everything. This is the end result: Dried bud: 116 grams. Dried trim: 23 grams. Thats over 1 gram per watt, and i am very happy with that!! In the curing jar they go! Let me know if you liked my diary and see you all in the next one!


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meneerGreencommentedweek 21a year ago
mooi resultaat maat, geniet ervan👍
BLAZEDcommenteda year ago
@meneerGreen, Thanks! Gaat zeker goed komen! :)
BamiCrossercommentedweek 21a year ago
Very nice work! Enjoy the harvest 😄
BLAZEDcommented10 months ago
@BamiCrosser, Thanks!! 💪
Jacks_Potcommentedweek 8a year ago
You've got a nice scrog on it's way 👍 Have a nice flowering later on 😊
BLAZEDcommenteda year ago
@Jacks_Pot, Thanks buddy!
Dabkingcommentedweek 5a year ago
Looking good so far
BLAZEDcommented10 months ago
@Dabking, Thanks bro!
BrigadeDesTerpscommentedweek 4a year ago
Good Luck and happy grow 💪🏻🌱
BLAZEDcommented10 months ago
@GrowInSparta, Thanks buddy
BCbuds76commentedweek 4a year ago
Looks nice and healthy. Best of luck on your grow!
BLAZEDcommenteda year ago
@BCbuds76, Thanks brother!
Minigrowsscommentedweek 217 months ago
Hey mate! Love your diaries. Can i ask you?: Between cbd skunk dream, cbd critical xxl and cbd northern lights, Whats your favorite and how different they are from eachother in terms or aroma? Thanks!!
meneerGreencommentedweek 4a year ago
succes met deze dame, ze gaat erg mooi👍
the end.
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