This was my first ever serious grow ever. About 12 years ago I grew in a little PC grow case but I picked it early and didn't dry and cure it right. Tasted like hay, ha! So for my first ever legit grow, I was super happy with these genetics.
On the whole they were relatively easy to grow. There were never any bud rot, PM, disease or insect issues at all. I had two distinct phenotypes from these 2 seeds. One was the normal green pheno. It grew extremely easy and showed no deficiencies whatsoever the entire grow. The nugs it produced have a very funky smell to them. Lots of orange and green on those ones. My cell phone pics I attached were desaturated from my cell phone. I'll take better pics of it after it's done curing. The purple pheno on the other hand was a little more temperamental. Right after germination it kinda of twisted a little. I nearly cut it at one point because I didn't have enough experience to know if it would make it. Thankfully I didn't cut it! It had what appeared to be a calmag deficiency the entire grow despite the green pheno doing perfect with the exact same parameters/nutrients/water. In the end though, I think the environmental stress the plant had throughout the grow was possibly what caused the purple pheno to come out and maybe was also the reason there were soooo many crystals! They smell very floraly, spicy and perfumey kinda. And they are SOOOOOO beautiful. They smell incredible too. Green pheno yielded 41g. Purple yielded 37g for a total of 2.75 ounces dried.
I dried the green plant for 12 days and the purple plant for 16 days. Whole plant dry. Average conditions were 62 degrees, 58% over the dry. My basement is great for drying due to the year round low 60 degree temps in there. Gonna cure them for a couple weeks to see just how much more sophisticated the smells develop. I will upload some more high quality, non cell phone pics after these are done curing.
So I can only compare these genetics to nothing as it's my first grow but I was extremely happy with these. For my next grow starting tonight or tomorrow I'm gonna focus on more training, better nutrient feed and a slightly longer veg time so that I can really up the yields for that harvest. I'd like to get 8 or more ounces. We shall see!
@Trailblazer79, thank you. I've done a good job keeping the VPD in the optimal range for most of the grow so that has likely contributed to them looking so colorful. Despite making numerous rookie grower mistakes the buds are looking very quality - probably 90% due to the breeder selling great genetics haha. :)
Wow buddy!! super nice buds
What an amazing grow so far - good job and well done 🤝
Happy Growing & cant wait for your upcoming weeks 🌱
Cheers, Bud Boutique 👩🌾
@MrLahey,hi bro, definitely check you filter. At this early stage no smell should be coming out. Hope your girls develop nicely and you will have a great harvest 🍀✨🍀✌️💚
@PapaNugs, haha. Thank you! I’ve been in a perpetual state of excitement and amazement this whole grow lol. I can’t wait until the drying and curing is done! They smell sooooo good already!
And yeah I knew when I bought them that genetics are important. Now for my next few grows I just need to improve on all these rookie mistakes so I can start getting some bigger harvests and actually reach more than like 40% of their genetic potential like I did on this grow. 😎
Hallo Tolle Arbeit. So ein Tip. Nimm nenn Karton, mache ein paar löcher rein und trockne im Zelt erstmal die besten Buds. Dann können sich die anderen noch Entwickeln. Dann hast du das beste Ernteergebniss.
@A_Stoned_Llama, ty! I cut them last week and I'm on day 8 of drying right now. 60-62 degrees and 55-62 RH. Just waiting for another few - 8 days until they're fully dry before I update. Yield will be small but quality looks to be really on point!
@PapaNugs, thank you! Thanks to grow diaries, especially Humboldt Seed Co, reddit and youtube content creators it seems I've kept these beautiful plants alive to harvest despite all my rookie grower mistakes lol. I've been so happy with the plants so far. Can't wait to germinate these Hella Jelly seeds next. :)