Day 29 - 07 Nov - Grow is going well. I'm planning one more defoliation, a heavier one as they enter flower. I'm trying to keep stresses very low this grow but they are getting very bushy. I've upped the nutrients again this week as per a schedule I made, we'll see if they can handle it. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep 'A' much longer. She is still very short, no signs of pre flower yet, and has very short dense nodes. Not sure if she is worth the continued cost of nutrients or time.
Day 30 - 08 Nov - Happy and healthy! I found two hairs on 'A' today, gave me a sense of hope!
Day 31 - 09 Nov - I did the heavy defoliation this morning. We'll see how they do... I think it's good for them, they were getting pretty dense.
Day 32 - 10 Nov - I'm still questioning if 'A' is going to achieve very much. 'B' and 'C' are doing very well, I can barely tell that I put them through so much stress yesterday.
Day 33 - 11 Nov - Not much to report today, happy and healthy!
Day 34 - 12 Nov - 'B' and 'C' are doing very well! I pulled 'A' today, she wasn't making much progress. This way I'll save on nutrients and be able to make better use of the light for the other two plants. I pulled her out of the coco and gave her a good look over. Everything was great, very healthy, so I'm thinking she just happened to be a runt.
Day 35 - 13 Nov - 'B' and 'C' are doing very well. They were getting too bushy, so I did a heavy defoliation, lollipopped them especially.