Dec 7 - 7:30AM plants seem healthy this morning, I dropped the humidity to RH 60% from RH 65%. Will water tomorrow with 300ml at 6.3PH. Measured plants, tallest is 9" above soil, the other is 8". The new tent affords more distance to light (22") so I've removed LST ties for now.
Dec 7 - Definitely starting to pick up on a BO kind of odour with a hint of fruit I think. Hard to tell just yet. Watered both plants at 5PM. Defoliated yellowed leaves.
Dec 10 Underwatered plant at 10AM with wilting leaves. I meant to water in the afternoon yesterday but couldn't due to plans. I've since given her a healthy watering to runoff. Hoping for the wilted leaves to pop back up within a few hours, of which I'll monitor. Removed a couple of yellowed leaves. Also removed some LST ties.
Dec 11 - Plants seem perky today. Underwatered plant is lighter (meaning she drank up a full watering yesterday). I'll be watering her first thing tomorrow, or perhaps even late tonight.
Dec 11 - Trichomes are developing nicely, though they both seem stunted considering scenescence is already taking place. I'll need to investigate whether they're just super hungry or it's a very fast finishing plant.
Dec 11 - Removed more yellowed leaves at 2PM.
Dec 12 - Watered at 3.30PM. They are drinking practically double what was given last week with .7L to runoff. Removed a couple more wilted, yellowed and senescenced leaves.
@BudBoutique, Thankyou! They're due another feeding in a couple of days - however I don't know if I should skip as they might be harvested in the next 2 weeks. Other thing I've noticed is there's some nitrogen toxicity due to clawing leaves and burnt tips. Having said that - do you have any suggestions? Definitely open to hearing advice!!
Last time fed was just under 3 weeks ago with Power Bloom, Worm Castings and All Purpose Dry amendments.
You just dropped the rate of very crystaly and nice strain ;)))) give stars !!! It was limited to one day on old platform, later you cant change....
Edit : Stars. Rating. You didnt marked any.
@AsNoriu, Not entirely sure I understand this comment but thanks for checking it out!!
Edit: Ah I understand! Thanks for the heads up, I made the fixes growmie :)