So iv started the ‘flush’ now, even though it already looked like it was eating itself when I was adding quite a strong irrigation solution.
Its started coming out in some really pretty colours and smells amazing.
I was quite amazed - as iv changed my fan and filter, I accidentally turned it off or it turned itself off because it was in smart mode and I’d been away and it STANK of weed but not in the hall or anywhere public but if I made that mistake with this next lot then I’d be screwed coz of the amount of plants!
I’m quite surprised how quickly they are recovering actually. Iv decided to just start letting the LST’d tropicanna Poison grow upwards now as it doesn’t really have anywhere else to go. I suppose I could switch around where the huge one is and the diesel that isn’t quite as big.
Just means more training and I’m sick of it.
Either that or start chopping it back a bit.
Good luck bro. Very unlikely the old bill would do anything other than take your setup. The CPS wouldn’t go through with charges with just one or two plants. ✌️👊🏻
@Rabidreject, go smash it bro. You know what your doing. Do you thing add a decent extraction and have a look at onner blocks. Not sure how it’s spelt but these are really good to help with smell etc. ✌️
@Green_Man_420,I love it when someone adds a comment like that because it shows they are actually reading the crap I am writing.
I forget just how many grows iv done now.
Anyway, the good news, is I’m re-opening my big cupboard up to be used again. This time I’ll stick to the 2x4 though.
I will FOR SURE notice the electricity top up which is annoying but I think if I grow photoperiod plants it would be very useful. It’s a dark cupboard with no windows so when the door is shut its basically pitch black anyway so I’m not too worried about holes, I just won’t go in there in the day.
I’m gonna use my fc-e3000 by MH as well as whatever is spare - at the mo it’ll be the rubbidge 100w one they do but that would be annoying coz of the lack of daisy chaining ability. Mind you, most of the power will be coming from the 300w’er anyway. I’ll figure it out. Most people would just use the tsl-3000 I have. The long one for 2x4’s but I don’t feel like there is enough light for a 2x4 when flowering with just that light.
@DeepWaterGrower, yeah - having taken this break really opened my eyes to just how bad the medical bud is in this country. We are suckling at the very expensive, very large companies and unfortunately, I don’t really feel safe without the protection. I carry round my script (if I have weed and a vape on me) with pride though. It’s pretty unusual in the UK.