Budophilecommentedweek 4a year ago
Aight.. Day 18 and all is going pretty ay-ok.. Slight P def on some of the plants and had to do some reparative therapy on the OG Kush since the bitch had three ballsacks hanging from the lower branches. Did a thorough check-up on her and didn't find anymore. Not sure if she's just stressed out or wanting to be a goddamn ladyboy but I ain't tolerating that shit in my garden! Upper parts of the plant looks very promising and I dared to remove some of the foliage to get them lower nodes to bloom a bit better, if anyone has any idea why I usually get those male flowers on the lower parts of the plant feel free to educate. Could it be some sort of a light issue since there's absolutely no light penetrating those parts and I tend to get them really often.. without seeding the buds thankfully.
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