
First Grow

6 months ago
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Rhino Ryder Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Rhino Ryder Auto - 86%
Commented by
GeminiCQC GeminiCQC
9 months ago
After three days in the paper towel, saw the taproot, and set her in some fox farms happy frog. New to this so I'm trying things out. Will be getting the full fox farms nutrient line and some ph up/down later this week.
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Grow Questions
GeminiCQCstarted grow question 9 months ago
Using distilled water without ph balancing as I do not have the tools. Watered the happy frog medium from happy frog after 4 days after testing the weight. Did I rush things and over water her?
Leaves. Curl down
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Setup. Seedling
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Team_Ballsforanswered grow question 9 months ago
That's a fairly big pot for a small plant. It will probably take nearly a week or more before it needs another irrigation. 1 early irrigation won't be the end of the world. You might get soem fuzzy mold or green algea growing on top soil if it remains too wet for too long. Neither is a huge issue, but not optimal, either. Algea will steal a bit of N from the top of soil (it won't grow into it because it needs light). The mold is usually harmless and feeding off of some decaying organic material. When i transplant, i typically knock that top layer off and top off with some fresh substrate as i transplant. If you stick to a good wet-dry cycle you won't have any roots in that top 1" or more, anyway. Superficial roots are not optimal. just wait for the top 1" to start to dry. That plant will have a taproot all the way down by this points, so i wouldn't worry about it dryign up top. During first day or 2 after sprout, if by chance it was drying out too much up top, i would water slightly early in that context only - if i think the roots are so small they haven't had the time to drive donw far enough. dry roots for a seedling is a problem to avoid. Usually there is no need. So, wait for that top 1" to dry before irrigating. Always saturate entire pot so that the top always dries first. this promotes deeper roots and avoid superficial roots. In flower if you want to gas it more, you'll have the root system to take advantage of it. A little stress for roots to reach for water early on is a good thing. The plant will grow more roots in that context. Then as flower starts you can water a bit more frequently and take advantage of the extra root mass when it matters most - bud development. Don't go crazy about it.. need some minimum drinking to occur between irrigations and proper drainage qualiteis to avoid root rot (50% perlite or similar amendment will ensure proper drainage and o2 penetration for roots)
GeminiCQCstarted grow question 8 months ago
I am going in week three, aka about 17 days since it has popped. I plan on mainly Lst her, but I've heard a lot about fim'ing it looks like it has the 4th node, but I'm not sure. Is this soon enough to do either, or should I wait?
Techniques. LST
Techniques. FIMing
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Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 8 months ago
For the LST, you can start tilting the plant very early on. The more flexible the trunk, the better. So you can start right away. If you want to top it, wait until your plant has the structure you're interested in.
GeminiCQCstarted grow question 8 months ago
Growing the rhino Ryder auto, and I just fed it .25ml of advanced nutrients' ph perfect line, and .25ml calimagic. The leaves haven't taken on a deeper curl than usual. Is this weird or normal? We are at 23 days now.
Leaves. Curl up
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Techniques. LST
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 8 months ago
Looks healthy. Leaf variations can happens from something as simple as a shift in humidity. If my plants looked like your does i would be content.
GeminiCQCstarted grow question 8 months ago
Leaves at the bottom are getting very yellow. I've been watering 800ml every 3-4 days with 1ml of each advanced nutrients ph perfect bottle.. Is the bottom just not getting enough light, or is it deeper than that? Should I get rid of some leaves?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
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BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 8 months ago
Hello my friend, this soil contains waaay too much Nitrogen. The bottom leaves are lacking nutrients due nutrient lockout. The best solution here is to do a small flush. You can give the pot volume in water. So if you use a 10 liters pot then you give 10 liters with water without nutrients. Make sure that the pH is around 6.2 After you have done this you let the soil dry till the top inch of the soil is completely dry before watering again. From then you can give the full amount with nutrients again and continue growing like you did before.
GeminiCQCstarted grow question 6 months ago
Multiple growmies of mine have told me that I can start flushing, but I am seeing multiple issues. Last feed was .5ml of ph perfects bloom, micro, an grow+ .5ml cal mag. This was in 800ml I fed two days ago. Listened and started flushing. Should she eat?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 6 months ago
I wouldn't worry at all about what those leaves are doing! I'd be getting my jewelers loupe or microscope out and checking the trichomes... she's probably about ready to be chopped! Good luck....

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Kenoughweek 2
Hey Growmie, she's looking very happy. Great job! 💪🌱 Just wanted to say to be careful when using distilled water. Although it's ph natural it's also empty in minerals and nutrients that are needed for growth. Such deficiency can pull the said minerals from the ground and your plant slowing her growth. If your tap water is as awful and hard with chlorene as mine is you can try using bottled spring water or a Brita filtration. As for overwatering, you can water as much as you want just not as frequently. Every 3-4 days I'd recommend almost a liter of water. If that seems like a lot try and lift the pot and see if it's heavy. When it starts to feel light again water it plentifully, she will like that. Good luck and happy growing buddy 🌱🌞🍀
@Kenough, hey dude :). I'm using distilled too and I found "Brightwell Aquatics Remineraliz P". I think its safe way to re-introduce micronutrients cause I accidentally used way too much for weeks before measured PPM. >1000ppm vs 100-200ppm I wanted. What do you think? Some people say to do none with other nutrients.. to keep ppm as low as possible.
BloodSpawnDevilweek 4
Your one pic looks super healthy, gonna say your watering is pretty good and growth looks good. It's gonna stretch soon (my autos did, double in size, and then start budding like mad). If you want to LST you might want to install a trellis to help make it easier. It gives you options of where to put the branches and places to tie down. Get some bloom fertilizer on hand... I've had deficiencies show during stretch 4 auto plants so far, but could have been lockout since I'm also a newbie :). Fertilizer seemed to help IMO.
Lemonhazeloverweek 2
Happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️