Finally getting around to transplanting these wee plants from 500ml cups into 2 gallon fabric pots of coco. Root balls look awesome. I’m going to let them root out the new pots before switching to flower. New order of coco arriving later today so I will finish transplanting tonight. Still giving veg nute, only watering once daily at lights on because I was keeping them small, hand watering and lazy 🙃 but I will increase to 2-3-4-5 times per day over the next 4 weeks now that they have space to grow. Also planted up some rooted clones planted into 500ml pots/solo cups.
Do you prune the roots before repotting? Heard thats actually beneficial but actually never seen someone do it...
Those are some nice Roots btw. 😸
Have a nice one Growmie.
I replanted the seedlings deeper into 500ml solo cups and increased the light intensity. They are being watered with GP3 nutrients schedule. Easy to use, clean, local brand. So far so good. Once they’ve spread their roots out wide should start to see some growth this week.
Happy growing