Shit! Just realized i forgot to add rezin to the last 3 Plants! It's ok next time. Smoked too much forgetful. The plants did however get a dose of Hygroben. All plants were to get hygroben but i mistook it as the one only the experimental plants were getting so all the rest didn't get any. No big deal. Stoner
Anyways, the plants bounced back after some ruff stuff with light stress and being under fed at the beginning. Today they got 2 liters of nutrient solution each. Some were a little droopy from drought. Not severely though so they'll perk up in an hour or so. I'll take more pix tomorrow i just forgot today. A buddy came by and we smoked up. I usually don't smoke up during the day so thats why i bungled the experiment a bit today.
I'm trying to keep the day/night temps close to see if it impacts the stretch and internode spacing. But the relationship drama recently has placed my focus elsewhere so it fell by the way side.
I have a small space heater in the room and the temps have been fluctuating from 80F to 74F at night. Not too bad but i'd rather see no more than a 5 degree gap. It's hard to regulate.
Light dimmer is set to 7 of 10. If i increase it the temps will rise and trip the exhaust more which drops the humidity out of range and jacks up my VPD. It's a delicate balance that's hard to maintain!
JANUARY 13, 2024
Today the girls are getting a flush in the bath tub. They have a touch of tip burn, and they are being fed chemical nutrients and have been fed 8 times since planted. I do this around week 3 of flower because in my experience, and if you look around this site, week 3 is when things tend to start shitting the bed with deficiencies and more severe nutrient burn. A 1 gallon flush using room temperature gassed off chlorine water that's pH to 6.2 will ensure a smooth sail to the finish line. So flush today, then they will have 11 hours of light (1 hour to flush them all approx) then all Saturday, and all Sunday, and through to Monday 5pm when the lights come on to dry up a bit. Then week 3 of feed will be applied regardless if the soil is dry or not (which it won't be) and onward we roll.
@frenchysmoker,Thanks man! I hope it's the real Oreoz but it's likely not. These new gen seed companies seem to be shotty breeders and full of shit most of the time.