Well, i've been watching my plants getting worse and worse with some kind of bullshit fuckery. I decided to whip out the ol' soil pH probe and to my shock, the pH is way off!. Why.....unknown. I pH to 6.2 or 6.3 every watering. I calibrated my pH pen 2 weeks ago and it was dialed in. Some of the pots tested 5.2 pH for fook sakes! No wonder everything is going to shit lol. Bad time to have a shit slide. Well, I'll test the soil tomorrow and see what i see. In a few days I'll give plain water but i may water in a 7.5 pH and see where it settles.
Really bizarre because i've been very consistent with the pH in my mixes. Today it settled at 6.1 pH (1 drop too many) I had problems with Remo nutrients in the past in RDWC but this time i was trying it in Coco to see what would happen. Hopefully i can raise it to an acceptable range next watering. What a fuck over!
Today I bottom watered in 1 liter and 1 liter through the top of the soil. Hygrozyme and Hygroben were added as usual, and the Rezin was added only to 1 of each strain.Hopefully i can get the pH up sooner than later! Stay tuned for more fuck over's or resolution and recovery! Terrible time to get a pH problem. Week 5 of flower....fugggggg
FEBRUARY 2, 2024
After discovering a catastrophic pH drop for reasons unknown, I have been watering in dechlorinated tap water which naturally resides around 8.3 pH over the past 3 days. I've gotten the pH in the soil back in acceptable range. Anywhere between 5.6 and 6.4. One plant in the garden is being stubborn and won't rise above 5.0 pH so i hammered it again with 8.3 tap water. The girls seems to be perking up a bit and are less droopy and sad. Lots of damage from the out of range pH though. Hopefully they green up a little more.
I just can't understand what happened with the pH getting so low. I consistently pH my watering between 6.1 and 6.3. I'm baffled.
@frenchysmoker,Thanks man! I hope it's the real Oreoz but it's likely not. These new gen seed companies seem to be shotty breeders and full of shit most of the time.