I sow my seeds directly into final pot placed in the grow tent not in any darkness this is a silly idea, plants dont need this for germination aslong as the seed has soil over the top it will be fine. She took about 4 days to pop through the surface. I placed a humidty dome over the top of the fabric pot for this stage , you just have to spray water over the seed and have the medium premoistened a bit aswell for good measure. Im growing in batmix soil In all honesty I prefer soil and organic nutes all that run off is a pain with synthetic nutes. Im happy with the progress so far next week I think she will have much more vigorous growth i am really looking forward to growing this out along with my other thats not popped yet my blue sunset sherbert
@BerrySweetHigh, cheers im in soil this time so am happier and my sunset sherbert popped yesterday after only 3 days sown direct to soil shes tiny though not quite built up her strength to open her first leaves fully yet