Hey ho let's go😊✌️💚
The time has come after 4 weeks in the jar I could finally test the vanilla from Anesia seeds. Pheno 1 is really delicious reminds me of a great Haze from the 90s with sweet notes but also a bit skunky love it. Pheno 2 is save a vanilla frosting pheno super tasty makes super addictive 😂✌️💚 Super strain very nice buds. Simply beautiful. Can only recommend the strain .the effect is 100% sativa and just makes you happy ✌️💚
Many thanks for your time.
If you also want to grow Vanilla frosting then I recommend www.alchimiaweb.com
And with the Code LETSGROW.
you save 10% on seeds and 5% on offers and equipment.
Let's grow 😊✌️💚