Missed a week due to a combination of bad weather, vehicle probs, and work. Back on track finally for this weekend.
No real plant issues. Worried a little about the wide temp. swings. At night when the lights are off the temp gets pretty low now between 58 and 62 F. During the day the light brings the temp up to around 72 or so. Think it might be a good idea to run the lights at night and dark during the day. I don't know yet. No big observable trouble for the plant so far.
Thanks. This is the result of a Christmas dare in 2022 that led to my own curiosity about including the PTK. It was overdue to inbreed anyway and already had the pollen saved. I only have a 2.3x2.3 tent and a 3x3 along with two mini germination/propagation tents. So I had to do some fancy tent work to get everything done. If this plant doesn't herm on me it will be the first time I try it to see what the effects are like. I tossed the original female of course. It was the only female I could keep at the time to self.
Anyways, I'm hoping the PTK will add just a little more oomph to an already oomphy Granddaddy Purple. Maybe alter the taste a little, but I care less about that than the effect. I love the GDP out loud. It's so good for day and night use with my particular body make up. I won't go further than this F1/S1. Pure curiosity while I had the PTK pollen already frozen.