
Purple Lemonade Auto FastBuds420

4 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 6
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
CannaMom2 CannaMom2
6 months ago
1/27 Day 36 Filled base with .5ml/ltr Rhino Skin and 1.5 ml/ltr CalMag 5.8 pH. Defoliated a few leaves DLI 41 If these things don't stop stretching we are going to have a light issue!! I need to figure out how to mount exhaust and carbon filter further back this week. 1/28 Day 37 Filled Base with 1 ml/ltr Big Bud Coco and 1.5ml/ltr CalMag also lightly top watered this in. Did 6.0 pH this time. Plant is getting so big I almost ripped a branch off trying to get it out of tent to clean the base. I could not find the floral tape (I suspect the kitten has taken it again) so I used medical paper tape and taped it. Fingers Crossed!!! 1/29 Day 38 Filled Base 1ml/ltr Rhino Skin, 1.5ml/ltr CalMag, and1ml/ltr Big Bud Coco Raised supplemental light intensity to 60% I do prefer them mounted at the corners to my original way. Main light is at 70% and is 15 inches from the plant AFTER I moved the carbon filter and exhaust fan to the back wall to free up some top space. DLI 40 Light Defoliation of big blocking leaves. 1/30 Day 39 Filled bases 1ml/ltr CalMag and Big Bud Coco 5.8 pH 1/31 Day 40 Recharge Day! Top water .5tsp/gal. The bases were filled with 1.5ml/ltr Rhino skin, 1ml/ltr CalMag, and 1ml/ltr Big Bud Coco 5.8 pH Plant is now 36.5 inches tall and 14 inches from light DLI 40 2/1 Day 41 Filled bases with 1ml/ltr Rhino Skin, .5 ml/ltr CalMag, 1ml/ltr Big Bud Coco. Plant is now 38 inches tall raised lights a bit more kept DLI 40 2/2 Day 42 Filled Bases with 1ml/ltr Rhino Skin, 1ml/ltr CalMag, 1ml/ltr Big Bud Coco Defoliated and Cleaned the bases today.
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Grow Questions
CannaMom2started grow question 5 months ago
So this is a Calcium Deficiency right? Noticing on top leaves. Not bad yet but want to stop it before it starts as this grow has been my best so far. I have been using CalMag every water but I did lower the dose for a few days as I was told I was using too much for flower.
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Plant. Stem - Red or purple
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 5 months ago
it needs just as much Ca in flower as vege. so if you did make a recent change, it is possibly related. bit early to be certain. looks a bit overly lush though in general. This doesn't look to be off of either of the 2 current diaries? But looks like you are soilless/hydro context, so... Ca greater than 100ppm is good.. may need more. That would the total of what you add in your fertilizer mix, not just 1 product. Part of a 1.3-1.5 EC overall concentration, give or take. If giving more, chances are something is building up in the plant, which can also impact availability of other nutes. If giving 100ppm or more consistently, and these problems more clearly discern t hemselves as Ca-related, it could be from too much of something else. If pH is too low, similar situation where you might have plenty of Ca but availabilty is constrained due to low pH diagnosing stuff is always a bunch of maybes.. cross-reference what you know and make the best decision. if those spots are on very few leaves, i'd wait a second before reacting in any drastic fashion.
CannaMom2started grow question 5 months ago
Calcium Deficiency right? Noticing on top leaves. I have been using CalMag every water but I did lower the dose for a few days in wk 7 Purple Lemonade as I was told I was using too much for flower. Also raised to 6.0 pH from 5.8 today.
DonGrowiananswered grow question 5 months ago
To me, that looks like an excess of nitrogen. This is causing a blockage of secondary nutrients.
CannaMom2started grow question 5 months ago
Can Someone Please tell me what is going on here? I have a detailed diary if you have any thoughts on why it still looks like a Calcium Deficiency. Plant looks healthy except this. First time for coco (bagged & prebuffered), grow dots, and wick bases so I am at a loss.
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Feeding. Deficiences
Hashyanswered grow question 5 months ago
Iv had a scan through your diary and I'd say end of week 6 into week 7 you started to get the problem. The problem may have started earlier but only started showing around them 2 weeks. The growth with calcium problems won't recover, your should be looking more at if its progressing. If its not progressing you may have got it sorted out, if it is progressing then the problem still persist. I haven't used AN nutes for a long time so can't quite remember what doses it says bit it does look like your giving the amount of calcium I would give. That leads me to think you PH may be out in the coco, check your runoff ph and if it's massively out from your input ph then that's your problem.

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Grow4Releafweek 3
Interested in seeing how ur growdots and coco pan out. I'm thinking about doing my next run with them, photos and autos so doing some reading on it to decide fully lol. But gonna follow , best of luck!!
@Grow4Releaf, I think they are doing pretty good! I am trying so many new things this grow so can't tell which is ruling but something I am doing this round is reall working for me. The day after I add recharge they really seem to leap forward in growing. (Could be a coincidence) Heck it could even be these self watering bases. They have been the thing that has me the most vigilant. I read coco likes to be moist always and worried that the bottom watering would not suffice but it seems to be doing great. Top water when I add recharge and if I add silica or something I don't want in watering base. I keep that base set up with half strength cal/mag as the grow dots have some but I think the amount might not be enough since you can use the in soil too. I am also getting ready to upload the next week for them. Purple lemonade seems to be crushing banana purple punch but both liking the dots.
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SirBudAlottsweek 1
Goodluck with the grow ✨️..Amazing start off and explanation 🙌
Thank you, I try to keep enough detail to replicate a great grow or learn from a mediocre one. Coco and grow dots are both new to me.
Lemonhazeloverweek 1
Nice setup, happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️
Thank you, I am excited to see what coco and grow dots can do. Fingers Crossed I don't mess it up!
Philhsyweek 15
They gon be tasting deliciuous 🔥🌱