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TFTC: The Experiment

a year ago
a year ago
Nutrients 1
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 0.5 mll
Welcome to Jobbie Studios' catch up channel, where you can view all the best of out productions on repeat, nonstop, forever. Remember catch up TV, yeah me neither, no one but those out of touch with modern developments use it, everyone has fancy on demand things. Today you will be catching up on a grow we like to call "TFTC: The Experiment", this is brought to you by Zamnesia and PLagron who are running a competition which closes in three hours, wish me luck and enjoy your show. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} I woke up, the stasis pod had already opened and I was lying there butt naked trying to remember where I was and how I got there. The surroundings were a laboratory, there were multiple other pods in the room glowing blue from the chambers lighting. It all began coming back to me, the imminent apocalypse, the people who were put in these chambers to survive until the world sorted itself out, until it was safe for us to come out again. Stepping from the pod, it stuck me as being very cold, there were lockers next to each pod, in them were vacuum packed clothes and supplies, time to get dressed and figure out what is going on, if I remember correctly my job is to wake everyone else up, pretty sure I am supposed to be the person who takes care of the group of survivors. My pod was the only automatic one, the rest were manual, so they needed to be woken slowly, coaxed out of their shell and into the world once more. First step was nutrient base, something to give them energy for when they wake, this was applied in light amounts as the digestive tract had only processed a light solution for stasis, time to get the body working, the pod was filled with warm water to warm the flesh before revival… wish the warm water was part of my waking. Now it was a matter of watching until the lights turn red to signify that they are ready. Processes such as this take time and require vigilance, they are also incredibly boring. While waiting it gave me a chance to take a look around and figure this place out. It was a long room with benches down the middle, along the walls were the pods and lockers, at the end of the room was a large secure blast door. The door was open and through it was a corridor with six doors (including the one I stood in), first door led to a room with a square on the door, it had bunks and storage for belongings, two of the other rooms were identical to this one except for a triangle on one door and a circle on the third. The last door led to a bathroom big enough for two people to use at the same time. The end door was a set of metal stairs leading upwards. The next floor had 5 other doors, one was a laboratory with various seeds and equipment for growing things. On the main table in the middle was a box with the name “John Monk” written on it, my name. The next was a kitchen with large stores of non perishables, the third was a communal area that was basically a room with some seats and some books. The last door led up to the hatch for outside, the light shone green which was a sign the outside was safe for humans. Time to hit the kitchen, grab a snack, some coffee and then wait till the others wake up While waiting I decided to open the little box, it had four purple bottles with Plagron written on it, they each had separate names with a card to tell me when to use them in growing what I guessed was the seeds at the bottom of the box. There was a letter inside that read: Dear John, Thank you for your sacrifice and congratulations on still being alive, if you are reading this then we are not. In the box is some basic feeding guidelines and the feed for these seeds, I will not tell you what it is, not even sure that you know what it is, but when you do then all things will become clear. I just hope that in your coming trials and troubles these will help, and one day, when they are ready the seeds will give you something that will help the community. Take care of everyone, the hope of humanity is with you, good speed sir. SIncerely, Jo Bieb That was weird, I had never heard of this person, it with nothing but time on my hands it seemed like an idea to plant them and see what happens, so I found some small propagation pots and started germination. It took a day or two, then the first lights started to turn red, time to move them from pods to a larger area for them to be in, now that they were waking it might be a good idea to let them out… yeah I should, I mean I will. Let's let them out. I have no idea who these people are, just hope they are fun and someone is cute, we have a race to start again. Oh and the plants had popped up, little rounded leaves as the small life forms struggled for nutrients. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} We hope that was not too much of a disapointment, but I bet you are just dying to know what happens next, well thanks to Zamnesia and PLagron for this epic oppertunity to tell more stories about plants. As previously stated, I am doing this super fast before the contest closes, so lets just skip me whining and get on with it.
Used method
Peat Pellet
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
3 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
49 %
0 L
0 L
10 cm
Thank you for staying with us, let us jump into your next episode of "TFTC: The Experiment" brought to you thanks to Zamnesia and Plagron, just hope I can get something in on time. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Around 2 in 5 pods never turned red, their bodies still lay in the stasis pods and a flatlined heart it was a tragedy but also something no one could do anything about, we will mourn when we are prepared, right now was not that time, not everyone had a pleasant revival as a few of them took some time to adjust to being out of stasis, this often took the form of people vomiting for a while, shivering and the same amnesia it felt like everyone was a bit shocked to be awake, either that or the idea that they had spent the last however long in a stasis chamber, or that they had the solemn realization that everyone they ever loved or cared for was now dead. It is a one thing to wish for isolation from everyone you know, or to wish the death of people close to you because they were not nice, it is another thing to lose them, all of them, one day you are saying hasty goodbyes, then the next day for you, is waking up to no one you know. After everyone had gotten cleaned up and into clothes, we all ended up in the large kitchen, it was big with stainless steel everything, including long tables to eat at, everyone ate, although there was some issues with food, the same thing I had realized over the past few days… It was shit. All of the food had use by dates counted in centuries, not weeks or days, it was all freeze dried things packed with as much nutrients possible. You might think that this is a petty thing to complain about, but for most they were eating their last meal with loved ones yesterday, then they wake up and have to eat something you'd see on a survival programme, only not as fresh. There is something that can be said for campaigning about things, it gets people talking and often bonding, it is that inane chatter people use to see how you approach a common topic, this way you can then try to extrapolate how they would then discuss big topics, that way with a quick “the weather is terrible today”, you can decide to what degree you can take levels of conversation. After the ice was slightly less solid, people began sharing who they were and what they did, very quickly people began sorting themselves into three categories: Food production, Infrastructure and people of varying topics of advanced degree. It appeared we had all the bases covered for starting again. Once conversation died and everyone had explored the bunker, people started heading to bed, the three groups separated themselves into the three rooms, oddly enough the three general types of vocational experience clustered: Square room was occupied by infrastructure, Triangle were the academics and lastly the food production took residence in the circle room. This got me thinking about the plants, it was time to put them into a pot, the main root has begun poking out the bottom, also the idea of crappy food made me realize that they are currently just surviving on life support, they need soil to build them, luckily there was a bag of Plagron soil in the lab, There is also a grow light but I will continue to use the lamp so they don’t get overwhelmed.. So into some cups I found from the food people were eating, just a plastic case washed out, filled with soil and watered with a light mix of Sugar Royal from Plagron to pre-soak the soil, then pop the plant in and put the pot into a single use cup so the roots don’t get burned but a clear cup on the inside which will allow me to see the roots progress. The lamp was important, to provide heat and something to stretch towards, a goal… a goal! Tomorrow it is time to put people to work. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Thank you for staying with us, hope you are enjoying this fantastic writing,, all thanks to Plagron and Zamnesia. Next up, same shit different episode.
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
5 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
49 %
0 L
0 L
15 cm
Welcome once again, the never ending drama continues, I have no idea what I am doing, but you know who does know what they are doing, the people who run this competition: Zamnesia and Plagron, thanks to them you have a show to watch, not enjoy it! {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} The plants are doing well, they are growing slowly and I keep adding little bits of water to them, there was also a spray bottle I found in the lab, so filled it with water and sprayed the leaves, apparently they can drink small amounts through their leaves, also it will clean the leaves and increase photosynthesis. The people were settling in, this week will be the time to get them thinking about what to do and how to prepare, maybe a battle plan needs to be written up with roles and responsibilities. With that in mind I called everyone together into the kitchen. We discussed things at great length, too much to put down here but, by the end we had a plan for who needed to do what. We were going to wait a while to adjust, also we made some weapons from random things we found, we worked on protocols if things went bad, it was built as a meritocracy. The first party who were going to leave were six of us not including me, there was a Farmer with a degree in regenerative methods, a biologist to work with the farmer in finding a good place to set up farming etc,, a Geologist to see what the local rocks might hold, sn architect to work with him in planning larger settlement buildings, the last two were a tracker who was also a zoologist and finally a paramedic… oh and me who was pretending to be a cartographer. Once we were ready we would start exploring around the hatch, then start a spoke system to walk in a direction for a certain amount of time and then walk back the same way, gathering an idea of the area around us, each revolution going a little further out. Plans were going well and people were getting on, once everyone knew what they were to do, it was like their survival instinct kicked in and they just went for it with determination and drive, this might be due to the biological imperative to succeed, could be the food, maybe one day I will do a survey. The plants were getting larger, they too had found their drive, their new home, it seemed they wanted to grow quickly and large, but they also look a little sad… maybe they need less water, it is pretty wet in there. Also the roots have spread and look to be getting close to the bottom, Will they need another pot? Likely, the food guide said that they will be in here for a number of weeks so yes, I shall need to look out for pots. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} We would like to thank you for tuning in, really, we all have things we could be doing right now, but you decided to watch catch up... good job. THanks to the Competition runners Plagron and Zamnesia. On to next episode. oh, before you go... ignore the two random pots, there was soil, it was prepared, the seeds did not sprout so I chucked something in the little pots.
Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
12 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
51 %
20 °C
12 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Welcome back, feels like just ten minutes ago that we last talked, oh wait, not it wasn't as this site has some work to be done. If you want, I know a person who could fix most of your issues and even make the site way better and user friendly. Anyway, here is your episode of "TFTC: The Experiment" provided by the lovely Zamnesia and Plagron. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} I found it! Nothing too impressive, but after looking at the inventory for the laboratory I spotted a category for botany, too excited pages were skipped and there it was, grow bags, just like plant pots only better for your plants root system… so the product tag attached to the pots said before they were ripped off. Soon the plants will have a new home. They already have a new light, I felt with them being in the little pots they would need a little extra light, so they are in a cupboard with a fan and the grow light. It was time to leave the bunker, we had been in there a few weeks now, the filtered air was good, but now that everyone wans working on ideas and inventions, feet began to be stepped on, it is difficult to draw up plans for creating a form of government when the person next to you in the lab is working on reusing waste… all types of waste. Not complaining, but my work was put on hold, he did have a point in explaining that my job as a sociologist was redundant until we had an actual society to study. Not going to lie, pretty sure that was meant as an insult, so all hard feelings there. The day had finally come, as people began getting on each others nerves, it was apparent that we had outgrown out little bunker, also two people from circle were now in love… a few times a day. Everyone needed to get out. The party left, the place looked like any wilderness photo, there were lots of trees, some glades and a fresh water brook near by, the geologist said that there were good building rocks near by, easy to shape simply, not too heavy, close by and in plentiful supply. It seemed like a little bit of eden here, or whatever name you wish to give a paradise. Maybe it was just me, but looking at the land around us I wondered how long we had been in stasis for, realising it could have been thousands of years, my mind began wondering what might have been here before, what had nature taken back from humanity, what had she covered up… or were we miles away from what was once civilisation. We returned to the bunker and brought back the good news while the doctor ran tests to make sure we had no ill effects from leaving. Soon it would be time for building, planting and planning, it appears that organisms will seek to fill whatever space they find optimal, we had filled this bunker with our ideas and plans, it was time to take the people out and began a new. Oh the plants, well I took my own advice and gave them a new home, the biologist on the mission talked about strong mycology in the area being a good sign for strong plants, which reminded me of the pack which said Mykil or Mykant… wait, it was Mykos. Something to add to soil which would help the plants. I got the twelve litre fabric pots, filled the soil to where the bottom of the roots would rest and then spread some Mykos, scattered soil, then placed an empty version of the plant cup in and filled around it, then watered in the same way I did before the first planting. They are now in their larger pots, they are happy, I put them under a vent in a cupboard, their the grow light will sustain them along with the soil, the vent will provide air circulation. They will grow into their new space, they will thrive. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Let us get on with the next episode as soon as we can time is running out and none of you read this . Thanks Plagron and Zamnesia, they are the best and I really like sugar royal, it creates bubbles that help the roots, kinda vibing with that. Remember, there are no two random pots sitting there.
Week 4. Vegetation
a year ago
10 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
51 %
12 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
It is time for another episode, go on, you deserve it! Thank you to Zamnesia and Plagron for this opportunity to do something fun and different, now on with "TFTC: The Experiment" {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} The plants don’t look happy, they are a little droopy on a lot of days, am I still watering them too much or too little? It is hard to tell, the biologist gave me a weird look when I asked them about this, as though he had one cookie and I had asked for a bite, he explained that both are problems, you need to find a balance, but what does that even mean. After a large and excited breakfast the party decided to get up, it had been four weeks since waking, it was time to get out there and start on rebuilding. Everyone joined in the work, to begin with there was a lot of ground clearing for buildings and plots for food, the triangles had worked out that the world was just entering spring, so it would soon be time for planting, apart from a few shelters for work tools and any animals we are able to begin domesticating, there was just ground clearance. As it turned out the biologists had began using a bigger grow light they had found and had germinated a number of seeds in a large “grow tent”, which I now have my eye on for my plants. I took a look at the plants, they were shaped in a funny way, as though blown over by wind, this did not seem right so of course I would try to stand them up again. My hand was slapped away, then a quick non too polite explanation that this was intentional to let a more even light distribution hit the plant, which was effective for indoor growing until they get out on the open. Think I might steal that idea as well thank ou very much. While up helping on the surface we were putting up a wall for a storage hut, a few people were holding up a beem to support a stone wall, it was warm today so people were enjoying the non artificial heat and light, enjoying spring as it began the growing year. There was a shout from behind me, it was a triangle running up towards me but I could see that he was pointing behind me, I heard him shout “Move from the wall!! MOVE!!!!”, the people standing there soon ran in their most direct path away from the wall and we all stood watching. Nothing happened for what must have been a minute, people were starting to get annoyed when the wall collapsed with the noise of thunder. I turned to the triangle and asked how they knew it would fall, they said that the wall had began bulging in the middle, it was only a short time before the wall would collapse. It was back to the lab for me, way too much excitement for one day. Something stuck in my mind about what the triangle had said, that the bulge indicated what was wrong and likely going to happen, I have also heard some of the farmers talking about weather, maybe there are signs with the plants I should be looking for when it comes to what is wrong with them. Maybe my watering issue is just a matter of watching the plant after a watering, touching the soil, or lifting the pot to see whether it feels heavy with water. Science is just a collection of arrows pointing in various directions, the person who collects the most arrows pointing the way they think wins the prize of being right… that we know of. The arrows as pieces of evidence to support their hypothesis, life is very scientific, but often we do stupid things, like ignoring signs, or looking for answers while ignoring the clues. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Thank you to the people runnign this competition: Plagron and Zamnesia, now as I can hear you all cheering for it, another episode.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
a year ago
15 cm
12 hrs
49 %
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 3
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 1 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
Welcome to this repeat of something you have never seen before or heard of, yes it is new, but Netflix refused the script and well... if they rejected it then there was no reason for us to trust it. Big thanks as always to Zamnesia and Plagron, they are running this competition so we bought this cheap script and went for it. We hope you enjoy this episode of "TFTC: The Experiment". {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} The plants were growing well, they were striving for the sun and looking a bit happier, I still overwatered them a little now and then, not too much, but enough for a little droop after watering. What can I say, I am an enabler. Whilst doing my daily plant check (okay sometimes I visit the plants more than daily), I heard some arguing at the other end of the lab, a couple of Circles were having arguments with a couple biologists, they were looking at the small trained plants in the tent and trying to figure out when to plant, I was just listening because I want that tent. The circles were saying that there is a storm brewing which will bring frost, the biologists say that was not a good enough reason, also what do farmers know about meteorology, then one farmer said that he actually had a degree in that, I almost laughed out loud but held it in as I was pretending not to listen. The biologists said that the plants could do with bigger root zones soon so we will get bigger crops, the farmers agreed that this was a good thing, but dead plants produced no crops, then light became an issue, something about them being triggered by light to produce fruit. It was at this time that I was looking at the card for feeding, it said there was a flowering phase, as yet my plants looked green with zero flowers, what the hell, I have no idea what is going on, but I listened anyway. It was getting heated, this was my coffee time where I would drink a cup or two and just stare at the plants, it is weird how attached I have become. They were ruining this moment of peace, so I stood up abruptly, creating a scraping noise with my chair, then I marched over there to fix the situation as I will not have people shouting in front of my little babies. I was actually going to leave, but the scraping noise grabbed everyone's attention, which is why I went over and explained that there are enough plants for both people to do what they said would be the best course, might as well hedge bets as we only have enough food in the bunker for the next fifty years. They laughed, shook hands and were about to walk their separate ways, but I stopped them and said “I have helped you, now tell me more about light and plants!”. Apparently most plants take cues from the sun for when best to flower, almost like the plant can work out how many hours of light there are, how many days of decreasing light would be needed to finish producing fruit, then they pick their day based on this. There was a timer plug in the lab, i hooked it up and switched it on to have twelve hours of day and twelve hours of sunlight, the growth came on strong soon, it was like the plant was just told to get busy as it does not have infinite time. Maybe the people are feeling this as well which is why the tempers are flaring up. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} We hope that was not too painful, maybe if it is then take some more painkillers, yes I am saying smoke some. Talking of painless, try Plagron and Zamnesia, they sponsor this competition and their stuff is painless to use, unlike watching my channel. On to the next episode, click the button.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
a year ago
15 cm
12 hrs
49 %
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 3
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 1 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
You are back, we are so happy that you have no life just like me. Thank you for Zamnesia and Plagron for giving me this life tonight and making me feel productive, talking of productive if you want your plants to be more so then give them a visit. Now on with your next episode of "TFTC: The Experiment". {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} The whole bending the plants to create an even canopy is looking messy, but from looking at the plants that the biologist did this to, I realize that this is just how it looks, that they turn into little bushes, very cool. The three plants are growing quickly, keeping on top of their training takes a lot of effort. THe people were in a flurry of activity this week, lots of things were being done and it looked like there was some great progress. Having done the groundwork we now had a solid foundation to build from, there were a few storage areas and a barn that was built, the planting was under way and the community was thriving, there were issues however. The main complaint was over food, people now had enough space as we spent most of the day outside and only came in for equipment, food or sleep. After listening to everyone's complaints growing louder and more frequent, we decided to send out a party of people to forage for fresh food, anything that would make mealtimes more interesting. Another seven people were sent out including myself, we used the map I had drawn up to plan a route through areas most likely to contain things like mushrooms, tubers, and early herbs and berries. The world at this point thrived with spring activity, we found spring mushrooms, a few tubers and wild garlic that was forming large leaves on part of the forest floor. That night there was a celebration, people were soo excited for a change in food that it became like christmas for everyone, a massive mushroom stew was made using some of the dried ingredients and most importantly, fresh garlic. It was delicious, the fact that we had been working so hard to get the community going and surviving on nutritional pulp for the last month meant everyone was ready for the change in diet, it had a noticeable effect on people. The next day people went to their tasks with renewed vigour, they built, planted and planned with increased energy, we even continued to send out small groups to forage and maintain a stream of fresh foods to help our nutrition and mood. Watching my plants I realized that they might need something similar, they are in the tent now and thriving, yet they might need something to help in the new growth, so it was time to start using the nutrients that the guide had said for when the plants went into flower. After the first few fertigation's (I am learning fancy new words), some burning was appearing on leaf tips, maybe this is plant overeating, so I will experiment and look for the signs to tell me where the sweet spot is. It appeared important for the plants to have the right environment for optimum growth, much like people, they needed to have the right things round them so that they would survive and thrive, if we had opened the bunker door to a desert I am sure that people would not be as eager to be outside, or as eager to try and get the community running, in fact, one way or another it likely would have meant our death. I retired that night, wondering on the need for environmental conditions sustain any form of life, nothing can live in a place that is completely hostile unless an environment was created for them. SO I lay down in my Stasis chamber, away from everyone, just the bodies still down here… we should bury them soon. My thoughts on environmental design helped me drift off to sleep. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Still here? Good, let me tell you about our wonderful competition organisers Plagron and Zamnesia, they are wonderful. On to the next episode. I should have been a hand model, for farmers weekly or person wish smashed up hands magazine. There are a umber of photos missing, yeah you all know why.
Week 7. Flowering
a year ago
20 cm
12 hrs
49 %
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 3
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
You are back on Jobbie studios catch up, thank you for staying with us and thank you to the competition organisers Zamnesia and Plagron. Now the thing you have been waiting for since you clicked that button for the next entry, it is "TFTC: The Experiment". {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} We have flowers, well I now know they were flowers, but then it was something weird; little clusters of small leaves with these white hair like protrusions on top. the y had been progressing rapidly, they were leafy and bushy, very dense for the most part as new growth meant stacking leaves over one another, they were competing for light it appeared and often getting in the way of what was really important to the growth. The people were progressing well, it was like everyone had developed their own jobs, a routine which kept them busy and productive. The gardens were beginning to take root and grow, the foraging missions had helped improve the moral and more plans were being drawn up. An incident soon happened, it was when the squares were trying to build more infrastructure, they were carrying rocks and logs from a new clearing when one of the circles started shouting at them for walking through the gardens, the Squares soon protested that they were using the tiny paths which navigate between planting, but the circles complained that all the debris was bad for the plants. It looked like the Triangles were just staying out of it, taking the opportunity to do some work away from the site. With no one else to turn to for arbitration, they came to me. The problem was I had no idea what to do, they both had legitimate arguments. Decided to do a triangle thing, I excused myself for time to think and wandered the site, it had become a sight, there were the two small shacks for storage and a barn for keeping materials. There was one thing that stuck out to me. There was clutter everywhere, it felt like people were in too much of a hurry to get on to the next task that they had stopped cleaning up behind them, like order had been put on the back burner as fuel to the engine of industry. If things were more organized then maybe they would get in each others way less, there were two shacks and a barn, maybe if we made a separate facility, like a warehouse, to keep building materials , this could be built closer to the building works, where the village was planned for, that way it will create a relay system that will bypass the field, they could also build another hut closer to the areas they collected building materials, cutting down on clutter and time it takes to start or finish a job. Both sides agreed that this would not only help keep out of each others area of expertise, but would also improve productivity as less energy would be used in constantly having to look for things or move things from one side of the site to the other and back again. Another problem solved as work began on the hut and then the warehouse. This got me thinking about my super bushy plants, they were all fighting for room, the bending was helping crate a nice canopy, but there were leaves lower down that did not seem to get much light, also some leaves high up that were covering my flowers, maybe if we trim a little waste, nothing too much, just unused leaves, it would give the plant more energy to use on leaves that were profitable, better allocation of resources. So I did, taking the dying leaves off as they turned yellow, removing a few that were just in the way, I also tucked a lot of them lower than the flowers so they would be out of the way but could still help the plant grow. It was a good week. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Thanks again to the competition runners Plagron and Zamnesia, soon we will be with you for another episode, we hope you enjoy your viewing.
Week 8. Flowering
a year ago
27 cm
12 hrs
49 %
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
We are back once again thanks to Zamnesia and PLagron, but seeing it is almost midnight lets just do this shit! Here is your "TFTC: The Experiment". {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} The beginning of the next week sleep escaped me, it felt like i was missing something, the plants are what is on my mind at the moment, all living things need certain environmental comforts in order to survive and others to help them thrive, what else could I do to help the plants thrive and not just survive. Every school child knows… or did know, a weird way to think about it, that plants breathe Carbon Dioxide, so would more of this help the plants or kill them like over watering can. Luckily that day when walking through the little field of food a botanist passed me by, so this seemed like a perfect opportunity to ask more, they were carrying a couple buckets of soul which i took the opportunity to help with hoping to buy favour which could be exchanged for more information. According to their information, CO2 is great for plants, in fact you would need to produce a lot of it to hurt the plant. They shared great information, explaining that plants are similar to us but also different in a lot more ways, for example plants rarely store energy like mammals do, instead it will take nutrients from other parts of its anatomy which is not pulling its weight and perform a method of self pruning, they showed me a leaf of a plant and explained that it was yellow because the leaf is in the shade and is a poor investment for it’s returns. This was broken up soon however when a couple circles fell into an irrigation ditch they had been digging, instead of getting annoyed they laughed while trying to help each other out of said ditch, they kept laughing and ended up on the ground crying with laughter. Yes, they were drunk. The community were not annoyed, quite the opposite in fact, there was a party that night as they had started this little experiment soon after getting out of the stasis chamber and now had a large quantity of booze hidden away. This was a fascinating story, so during the party I took the chance to speak to them both, the method of brewing proved to be pretty simple, just that the environment needed to be within certain parameters much like all life forms on earth. They laughed as they talked of living in the bunker and managing to hide it from everyone, stealing sugar and fruit juice, hiding their gallon bottles in a cupboard and freaking out when they saw someone going in there, they thought the person would smell it, the CO2… now I was very interested and gained enough information to set something like this up for my plants. Big bottle, cover it in something, for me it was black duct tape, then water, sugar and yeast. From this you get alcohol and CO2, one I need, the other people just want. Could be useful as the libations were fun but not something to be done too often. I left the party and realized that this was the perfect opportunity to set this up, the bottles would need to go in tomorrow as the plants were sleeping, but this should help. The rest of the week went well, the flowers are growing and it is giving off a sweet perfume at the moment, with kind of a pungent earthy tone that one might expect with a plant. Isn’t growing great fun! {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Thank you to Plagron and Zamnesia, now lets hurry this up and get to week 10 cause they aren't even done yet.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
27 cm
12 hrs
49 %
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
You are back with us on Jobbie Studios catch up, if you feel that you do not have a life, well now you do! Thanks Zamnesia and Plagron, this is fun! Now for your fun, the next episode of "TFTC: The Experiment". {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} The flowers have grown lots of little white hairs, they are not pretty like a rose or tulip, more like some sort of alien species, if I came across this plant in the wild I would not touch it. The plant no longer grows bigger, just the flowers continue to develop, getting bigger, adding more of these white hairs. A bit of the excitement has gone now from the plants, possibly because I do not know what is going on, but maybe I could some how find out. Our little community is doing well, we had just started constructing some temporary accommodation, no time to make anything permanent, but having extra beds is always a plus, especially when summer comes and people wont want to sleep in a concrete chamber any more. A foraging party was going out in the morning, seeing a great opportunity to skip building things, I jumped on the chance to get out, the walks were also nice, every corner gave you a sense of excitement, like discovering something new. We were out and everyone was busy collecting food, not wanting to be the odd one out I grabbed my sack and found a small tree with large green berries on them, they smelt sweet and had smooth skin, they looked good, but as I went to pick one a voice came from behind me saying to wait. Confused about being halted in something that to my mind was helping, I asked why they suggested not yet. No, it wouldn't kill me, but when you know as little as me about plants then when someone tells you not to pick something the first thought will likely be the worst, then you work backwards. The fruit was not ready yet, the person said that they would be bitter and unpleasant, also the seeds have not developed, seeds we could use to propagate more of these plants. While we were returning, after the helpful circle showed me a patch of garlic and asked me to pick leaves (my hands now stink of Garlic, many jokes were made about this), they would go nicely in our food as garlic is delicious. On the journey my mind wandered a little, thinking about todays lesson and the plants hidden in my corner of the lab which no one visited. Maybe if I did not know what to look for in the plants to tell me they are ripe then how would I know what to do with them, but then again, the fruit today was not ripe and yet no hesitation was given when reaching out. We got back and helped make dinner, the small hut for beds was habitable, the couple who had met very quickly decided to move out of the bunker very quickly, no one jumped at the opportunity to join them sleeping outside, however the tracker did laugh at them and said it was their funeral, that temperatures can still drop close to freezing and if it rains they could get soaked. Although we had medical supplies, it was always prudent to begin practices to prevent avoidable requirements which would deplete our stores, after all, we can’t just pop to the pharmacy and get more. So they had a choice to make; stay and not have privacy and get to make all the noise you want, or stay in the hatch, be safe and annoy everyone else. They decided to sleep on it, in the bunker. There was a lesson to learn here, it relates to the plants. I will need to find out what to outlook for, also what this might be useful for, after all, everyone else has been productive creating important survival tools, me, well my idea for a village council and form of communal ritualism to bond people was met with rolled eyes and skepticism. This coming week would be the time to seek a botanist who might be able to help, as for now, it was my stasis pod and sleep. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} With many thanks to Plagron and Zamnesia, now let us hurry to the next episode, not like it will be here for ages and you can look at it another time.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
34 cm
12 hrs
49 %
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2.5 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
You are at the end of this part, yes, my marathon is over, I have no more to give you, wish me luck. Thank you Zamnesia and Plagron, this has been fun in the kind of way any marathon is, utter pain but finding out your limits. Now, hopefully you haven't reached your limit as here is another episode of "TFTC: The Experiment". {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Bigger flowers, more hairs, some of them were turning an amber colour, also some of the small leaves close to the hairs were covered in a silver shiny substance, when looked at very closely, they are miniscule crystal looking mushrooms. These plants are really odd, just hope this week someone can help identify what is being grown here. Before my hunt for help could begin there was an issue we had to deal with, tension had been building, not obvious like when people fight, but some people were not talking, some people were giving stares at others when thought to be unobserved. Tension like this can turn to resentment, and resentment is the easiest and fastest way to destroy any relationship, my training in Sociology taught me that. It took me a few days of investigating but soon the issue was uncovered and the bottom of this issue was in view. Apparently the triangles were annoyed at the circles because the circles felt like the triangles had a lack of “field” experience, in fact they had a joke when any triangle tried to suggest a new way of doing things the circle would say “oh, did you learn that in the field?” very clever, most triangles either didn’t get the joke or would become annoyed. The triangles were annoyed because they felt that the squares paid little attention to suggestions and just demanded where to find things, also the squares were annoyed with the circles claiming they sat around weeding and drinking all day, which was not true, I had been keeping an eye on that as alcoholism is a horrible curse. Finally it was time to enact a protocol that everyone signed, yes I got signatures, this was a plan where if something was happening that might destroy us we will gather and talk about it, most people signed to shut me up. Everyone gathered around a big bonfire that night, the squares made some benches for everyone to sit on, I thanked them, they said they wished they had more time so they could have made recliners for when people fell asleep from boredom. We talked for a few hours, it took a while to get going, but eventually all the issues were aired, everyone had their say, we developed a system of communication which would allow everyone to have their say in the community, it also meant that unless someone was in danger, there was no need to just jump in and tell them what they should be doing, we now discussed ideas at the end of the day before making plans for the next one. At the end we all had a few drinks and it felt like the group had just released a breath it had been holding, The couple announced they were moving, we all celebrated and the tracker offered them some advice in private, well it would have been private if I had not listened in, it was all about keeping warm, a lot of it was sexualised of course. Before leaving, there was a task that I had set myself and there all alone was a botanist, easy prey. Instead of just saying what was happening, it felt time to try subterfuge and use the classic “I saw something that looked like…” trick. The persons eyes lit up, apparently my plants are something called marijuana. After getting all the information it was time for bed, alcohol is nice but just not for me. My mind went to the plants, it appeared they acted a lot like a community in a way, some leaves got in the way and needed addressing, an even application of nutrients were needed, care and consideration was used when dealing with them as they were living entities, over that week it would have been easy to use solid logic and tell people they were being morons, but that would just redirect peoples ire, instead if you coax and gently direct things to the right place they will sort themselves out. Patience and wait for the… ripe time. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaand we are done for now. A massive thank you to anyone who reads this, it is a bit of a mess as the writing was done in a pinch, if you look at my page there were three diaries done this week which took a lot of effort on top of my jobs. Big thank you to Patricia from Zamnesia who encouraged me to sign up to this, massive round of applause to Plagron as I now have a new feed and soil that I love, sorry to my old one, you just don't cut the mustard. take care one and all, we will see you soon with more posts.
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
36 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
49 %
19 °C
19 °C
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
Welcome friends to my cupboard, the place where dreams come true, if you are like me and dream of weed. Thanks to Zamnesia and Plagron for this competition, the entry has been made and my fingers have been crossed for some time, let us see how it goes. Before the announcement next week, let us jus continue the show, here is this weeks episode of "TFTC: The Experiment". {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} With everything in order the plants did well, it is important to divide resources among the best investments, maybe that is what happened to us in the end, to humanity. After centuries of spending vast amounts of weather on nothing more than public masturbation: because what else can you call it, someone buys a massive house and expensive car, or decides to build the worlds biggest pile of resources whether it be skyscraper, rocket or number in their bank account, the action is little more than having a tug of the 11th finger while people watch. The lesson that has been gathered from my growing understanding of the plants is that resources better allocated means everyone profits and not just one small group. In the community it felt like a damn had burst, once one couple had moved out everyone began making communities and building shelters for their needs, it was a buzz of activity as people began deciding where to live above ground. The same form of social stratification occurred as before, three camps were formed according to shape, I mean job, well shape as this was the symbol many had chosen to identify with. The first night where everyone had finally decided to sleep was a games night, after lots of hard graft it was time to unwind with something a little more than just inebriation, so each house competed with one another in a series of games, myself being the games master of course. It was a bonding experience, not only for the people in each of their houses but also for the different shapes. When people compete it creates a fight or flight situation, the fear that is created by the adrenal dump in these situations is wonderful to experience in small doses such as friendly competition, in larger doses this same adrenal dump can often cause trauma, like if a person assaulted you on the street. Once people competed in a safe environment there was a comradery created by the sense of overcoming something together, it bonds people and smooths out tensions that often occur due to a tight workspace. While allowing friendly banter between the groups my mind wandered back to the plants in the lab, there needs to be some similar respite. It feels like once the plant has finished growing vertically, the plant takes a small rest, it builds buds, these buds are basically the plant getting its freak on which is far more relaxing than growing pains, so to make these buds better you add more sugars and nutrients that the plant need. After the night had wound down and only a few sat up next to the fire, I made my way back to my bed, stopping in on the plants on the way home, not to look at them, but just to be close to them, to feel their company, after all I did not want to wake them. Then I retired to my cryo chamber to sleep. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Thank you for sitting through that, but as we like to think here at Jobbie Studios: every turd has a nugget of sweet truth. Thanks you to Plagron and Zamnesia for this fun grow challenge. Apologies for the poor photos, the usual camerra man was in hospital... yeah that happened. We hope to see you next week for more adventures.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
a year ago
36 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
49 %
19 °C
19 °C
12 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
Sugar Royal - PLAGRON.
Sugar Royal 1 mll
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
Welcome friends, here we are once again in my cupboard for another experience you will want to forget. Thank you to Plagron and Zamnesia, I did not win the competition but that is not an issue, the diary was late and incomplete, but if they could see the massive buds on these babes now, I would still probably loose. Right you son of a bitches, let us delve into this weeks episode of "TFTC: The Experiment". {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Plants are funny things, they have an almost linear existence with a single solid purpose built in, to procreate. Then again, is this not what we are generally hardwired to do, to continue the species, is this not why we are here, the last humans that we know of, trying our best to create an environment that will help us thrive which would ensure a safe environment for procreation. The plant hopefully has all these things, so the plant works on itself to help get the most out of its chance to live, they no longer spread out or grow branches, instead the buds are what is essential, they are building the biggest pollen collector possible, It is like the plant reaching middle ages and realizing the common denominator as to the question “why am I single?” might just be themselves, then the soul searching and self work happens. Right now it is just about keeping them happy and giving them what they need. One of them has taken on a purple color, it is pretty. There is an interesting noise that comes from the sound made when flesh collides at speed, it is a concussive blow that creates a ripple effect from impact site, depending on location it can make a jarring wooden sound right the way to a sound that sounds almost like a sticky snap, like cracking a fresh wooden branch, a noise which almost lingers in the air. Either way you know that someone just got hit. We were in the main garden next to the tomato plants, and on the other side of the tomato patch we heard the noise and it felt like the world stopped. The silence was then filled with the sound of someone shouting “Hands off.” The assailant then stormed off towards the Circles living quarters, I managed to catch a glimpse and saw it was one of the founders of the brewing enterprise. I helped the man up, a triangle, with a look at his reddened cheek he looked to be fine. “So was it the Tomatoes, which are not ripe yet by the way, or the booze you were touching?” “That would be his special friend.” It took a second to understand his meaning, then “Oh”. “Oh indeed, not my fault she is looking for something more.” He said in a self assured almost arrogant way. He then walked towards the Triangle living area. I had time to think so did the math and realized there was a problem brewing. People will be looking for who holds all the cards, they will be wanting some sort of control and many will believe that they should be the ones that deserve the vestiture. Just wish I had finished my ideas for governance, it got sort of abandoned with the one meeting and then alcohol… Maybe alcohol was the death of democracy, yes I realize that one is considered to predate the other, but that was my point, maybe drunk politicians were always going to be the result, it was a doomed experiment when the people at the helm were drunk. Possibly that is the issue with what we have here, power and control. After doing some digging it was made known to me that the Triangle who was punched was actually a historian, one that had been flirting a lot with the “partner” of the Circle, it seemed that she had gone from the brewer to the historian, possibly she had liked the brewer to begin with, he was easy going and fun, but ran a little close to cliché, she was an expert in compost and soil development, so a bit higher energy. Both parties in the altercation were wronged in some way, however, the wrong does not seem to come from the actions taken by any party, but instead the wrong was with the way they viewed the other member of the community, as something to be fought over and owned. We can all see why people trying to seize resources becomes a problem. As time went on that week it appeared that tensions were growing in camp, many might think “why would this create tension in other people?” The first world war started with one person firing a gun, the second world war was started by one man going bananas. Each example is just the icing on the cake so to speak, there are already small tensions building in many different areas, something like this becomes a public event which people will project their frustrations on. My sleep was broken, the peace which normally comes from my stasis chamber was broken by my worry that this would escalate into something far more dangerous, after all, this was the survival of humanity we are talking about. There are lessons here for the plants, it could be an issue that the large amount of leaves will create demands on the resources gathered by the plant, meaning those resources are held from vital areas. Maybe I need to cut down on how many leaves there are, we are wanting bigger flowers at this stage, not bigger leaves. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} A turn up for the books, who would have known that towards the end of the season we get a cliff hanger. Well thank you to Zamnesia and Plagron for the fun, soon we will be harvesting and enjoying the friends of this persons labour. Until next time, off you pop.
Week 13. Flowering
a year ago
3 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
4 %
19 °C
19 °C
19 °C
12 L
30 cm
Welcome one and all to this evenings episode of "TFTC: The Experiment" brought to you by Zamnesia and Plagron, my friends in the closet, them and the plants. We are coming to a close of this season soon, only three episodes remain, we hope you have enjoyed the show so far... no idea why you would, but if you don't I don't keep my job. On with the show shall we? {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} The plants were maturing, after talking to the botanist some more they recommended feeding them water only as the plants are soon ready to cut down. They are magnificent, sometimes I just sit there and look at the plants, nothing on my mind just watching the leaves lightly flutter in the artificial wind. In the camp the tensions were still high, people were beginning to split into separate camps within the community, tribalism had begun and so it would be me to take care of the problem. After looking through my notes and work that I had done on the idea for governing, I rushed the plans and thought there was a solution. A society is an organic function based on the necessity which fuels all evolution, it behaves much like nature does, it structures and restructures when it becomes broken, society evolves as more challenges get put in its place, people yearn for the comfort and safety that society and rules bring. Within this society it will be important to have rules based on consensus (a spoken or unspoken agreement based on a common set of rules and actions). Most ancient tribal peoples had a democratic way of governing as the chief was generally the chief for as long as his people wanted him to be, there were no real levers of control, no standing armies and no police, so when the people spoke, the chief listened. There was once a chief in ancient times, it was said that he had left the tribe to attend a meeting of local chiefs and would be gone for a few weeks, upon returning the people decided to have a celebration and slaughtered a cow to cater the event. During the celebration the chief stood and thanked the people for the welcome home, but “why slaughter a cow when a few chickens would suffice”. The next day his brother was the new Chief and the previous chief earned the nickname “the chicken chief”. Here we will have no chief, just a council. The council will be made up of nine people, three from each shape, the three from each shape shall be split up into three groups, each group of three will have one representative from each of the tribes. Each topic will be given to each group to discuss and then share their thoughts, using this most decisions will be made with a solid form of agreement from each of the three parties, and by splitting them up it will help remove too much of the division. Now, to just present this to the people. Guess I should fashion some sort of celebration or gathering, maybe go with a big fire gathering. The entire week was then spent convincing people to sign up to the council, most people just saw this as being something else that they would have to do on top of all the other things that they had to be doing around the compound. My main winning argument however was that one day someone is going to steal something, make a weapon, fight and possibly kill one another. In effect, if you were to address the issues or use conflict resolution before any arrival, then it is less likely that it will escalate into something catastrophic. This argument also did not work, it was the botanist who was listening in to my conversation, he piped up and said “they will give you weed when it is ready if you go.” All of a sudden everyone wanted to come to the gathering and everyone wanted on the council. We were going to meet, the date was set at the start of the next week, three delegates from Circle, Triangle and Square had been chosen, coming to nine in total. The first discussion was to address the conflict the previous week and create a constitution. Yep, funny little word that people used to quote a lot, nearly every country in the old world had one, a standard set of rights that every person no matter who, were entitled to as part of that country. In this case, we would be deciding the constitution of humanity. This made me think whether the original humans of earth ever had a meeting like this, where they sat down and discussed rules. Or whether they just felt the rules would never need to be made as the earth was full of other things to fear, an endless terrifying adventure of survival. The problem was, people eventually looked over the fence at what their neighbour had and thought “yeah, I’ll sharpen this stick up nice and pointy, stab them in the throat and have his stuff”. Some might think that isn’t what happened as people have common sense, but the sense you speak of is not “common”, it is in fact no more or less than mental programming, your hardware is your genetics, the software is mostly what you experience, some genetics can and will have an influence on who you become: if your genetics give you certain attributes then you will of course be inclined to act that way, but every human is programmed by their environment to think a certain way, it does not take too much for one person's programming to think “yeah, why not, it is stabby time.” These plants are fascinating, the colours, the leaves, the need to create an even canopy, yet a few branches always stand up a little taller. Much of my ideas for the government came from old democracy and from the plant, they naturally try to create a hierarchy, much of this is based off of the need for resources, however, if you give the plant equal exposure opportunities to light and resources, then yes, some will still fall behind, yes you will still take care of those branches, but, the plant does better for it. The plants, if left alone would grow much taller, but it would form a hierarchy, with only the top bud getting to the loftiest heights, while the rest just make do with what they can get. If you create a flatter canopy the entire plant will benefit, some will still be stronger, but over all the plant will produce more. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Thank you for tuning in this week, we have been enjoying the process and the story, well the last part is a lie, yes, but hey it is what we make it (shit). Thank you again to Plagron and Zamnesia, this was a fun grow and we are learning a lot. Until next week, keep being nasty. {--💩===👻---💀===👽---[:(⚪⬜🔺) oO===Oo (🔺⬜⚪):]---👽===💀---👻===💩---} Notes: Yeah things have been kinda shitty personally. Life happens and you deal with it. Not going to lie, the plants are looking amazing, they have done so well and I am learning so much. QUESTION TIME: This has nothing to do with this grow, just interested who is willing to share their opinions on grow techniques. Currently in the background I am working on my autos, one issue that I am finding is that they are starting slowly, much like sprinting the 100m, if you start shit you finish shit. So give me your opinions on my thoughts. 1. I am using Plagron soil but using biobizz nutrients, would this be bad? 2. I am germinating in those little pod things, but those are quite tough material and might strangle early progress, should I just try direct into soil? 3. Do I just need bigger lights? Will be finding out if this is the case when I get the 100w ts600 from the small cupboard and adding it to the 150w ts1000 after the rando plant is harvested. Give me your thoughts, I am very bad at asking for help, there are many memories of me being ignored or shouted at for asking when I was younger, so help a brother out and give me some advice, love you folks!


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902EastCoastcommentedweek 12a year ago
Looking awesome buddy!!
Jobbiecommenteda year ago
@902EastCoast, Thanks mate, just need to wait for them to finish drying... and maybe update the diary lol.
deFharocommentedweek 11a year ago
Suerte con el concurso!
Jobbiecommenteda year ago
@deFharo, I lost lol. Well it was always an uphill battle.
Patricia_Zamnesiacommentedweek 10a year ago
Looking good, Jobbie! 🤩
Jobbiecommenteda year ago
@Patricia_Zamnesia, Good seeds good plants. 😍👌
Lemonhazelovercommentedweek 10a year ago
She looks so healty, happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️
Jobbiecommenteda year ago
@Lemonhazelover, Thanks friend, a rush job but worked well and love the plants.
Patricia_Zamnesiacommentedweek 12a year ago
Again loved reading the adventures of these plants! They look good, not yet price winning, but still good, and I have a feeling they were very tasty. 😉💙!
Tropicannibis_Toddcommentedweek 12a year ago
Beautiful job my friend looking sooo smokable 👈 Happy Flowering 💐
Jobbiecommenteda year ago
@Tropicannibis_Todd, Thanks buddy, I was like a pig in shit when I saw one turn purple.
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 10a year ago
Looking good, Have a good rest buddy 👨‍🌾🌲
Jobbiecommenteda year ago
@Ju_Bps, Thanks Ju, my rest was a stay in hospital xD
Tropicannibis_Toddcommentedweek 13a year ago
Looking great my friend 👈 Happy Flowering 💐
Wastent91commentedweek 1310 months ago
Looks a great weed and great story mate! 👊
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