The Trinity continues to grow happily! 😊
At this point they have developed nice and thick stems. The Skunk XL displayed a growth spurt over the last week and ist now the largest plant. 💪 Honestly didn't expect them to fill the space so quickly 😅
27/02 - I decided this would be the day i top them just above the 5th node. (Originally i wanted to wait a few more days, but they had already grown so big i believe they can handle it). Lets see if that was a good call 😅
The humidity here is quite high currently, trying my best to get it down for next week where i plan to change the lifecycle to flower (if they have recovered from the topping by that point). 👌
Wondering if i should also start defoliating a bit, some of the leaves are quite huge. ^^
Does the round thing inside the red circle on image 6 look like a pollen sac? Should i be worried? It has hairs growing out of it, which is not really a male trait or is it?
These is called a Bract. A bract is signs of its sex. It has a hair coming from it.
Its whats different
Cals build up to form bud after pre flower, like building blocks.