Great week and awesome looking plants!
The girls have acclimated to their forever homes and I'm sure they're more than happy to be out of those solo cups.
The humidity seems to drop pretty low during the day so we're going to add a humidifier here this week along with a blumat watering system to help maintain our moisture levels. That's the only thing we're struggling with at the moment and as soon as we get that in line, we'll be cooking with gas!
We're just doing water and Growing Organic Alfalfa Ferment once a week at the moment. The only thing top dress is Kashi blend for microbe food and added bacteria. Other than that we're not going to add any nutrients until flower. The BAS 3.0 has our backs and we have plenty of Insect Frass Ferment and alfalfa Ferment to get these girls dripping with resin.
CollinT is the discount code for Growing Organic! Get yourself and your plants the nutrients they deserve!
Thank you for checking us out and we'll see ya next week!