
SOG Indicas/Sativas

6 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Commented by
GreenBloodGrower GreenBloodGrower
6 years ago
Este cultivo fue el anterior a este que cultivo actualmente ( antes no conocía esta maravilla de página ) Quería compartirlo con vosotros 👽 Cultivé 4 variedades que me pasaron unos amigos breeders para probar. La verdad que acabo muy bien la historia! 😍 Realice el germinado como ami me gusta hacerlo, directamente en tierra y en la maceta final. Humedecí el sustrato con agua a PH 5.8 y 1 mlxL de rhizotonic, coloque la semilla a 0.5 cm de profundidad y pulverice con la misma solución. Al cabo de 3 días a oscuras, encendí el HPS 600w a máxima altura, al día siguiente ya habían germinado todas las semillas. Mantuve un riego por semana de nutrientes y los demás riegos agua a PH 5.8. Parece muy fuerte la luminaria para esta etapa pero si mantienes bien la temperatura es una autentica maravilla! --------- I'm sorry for my English, I use a translator 😉 This crop was the previous one that I cultivate now (before I did not know this page wonder) I wanted to share it with you 👽 I cultivated 4 varieties that I had some friends breeders to try. The truth is that I finish the story very well! 😍 Make the germinate as I like to do it, directly on the ground and in the final pot. Wet the substrate with water at pH 5.8 and 1 mlxL rhizotonic, place the seed at 0.5 cm depth and spray with the same solution. After 3 days in the dark, I turned on the HPS 600w at full height, the next day had already germinated all the seeds. I kept one irrigation per week of nutrients and the other water irrigations at PH 5.8. It seems very strong the luminaire for this stage but if you keep the temperature well it is a real wonder!
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Bigheadcommentedweek 82 years ago
Amazing harvest, i never would imagine such a fast harvest even for the Critical Widow, it's is bassically just two months, it is almost 12-12 from seed, but with two weeks in veg, very nice, i don't think without the 2 weeks in veg would accelerate much the grow, maybe my a week, but the harvest maybe would be compromised, what do you guys think ? I'm planing to do a vertical grow with this strain. With this system And 5 COB LED over each plant, do you guys think it's work ?
BigAl420commentedweek 116 years ago
I was under the impression that the overdrive should be used on in the last 2 or 3 weeks of flowering?
iMeuscommentedweek 116 years ago
Beautiful buds, well done my friend 😌 Much love
GreenZonecommentedweek 116 years ago
Congrats on the harvest. Looks great :)