Veg Week 5 Day 35 to 41 - 3/25 to 3/31
This week is primarily test training recovery. Seeing each recent topping was at the 3 node point I topped again. Follow up of the cola breaks was nice for all but 1, The worst break (the one with tape over it) actually recovered very well, I see no future issues from that branch other than monitor for weight tears. The next worse break on the other plant wasnt so fortunate. While it started out okay, it also kept ripping under its own weight as it grew topping wasnt only beneficial, it was the only thing that allowed this branch to survive past the day (lesson here is to make sure all breaks are back supported early while they recover at least) I think this branch may need to be supported for the entire grow, and the amount of recovery time is possibly past the point of which I would want to see in a normal grow since it may not produce nearly as well as the other colas. The lighter break on each plant look to have taken advantage of the damage and produces giant knuckles of cured hardwood at the breaks. This is exactly the kind of recovery I want to see since all future water ways will pass these points and the branch will still be strong enough to support future weight of giant flowers.
Feed this week was again an auto pot reservoir feed at 300ppm total before add-ins. I used 300ppm Veg concentrate mix (recipe week 2) and NO Bloom concentrate mix (just showing the recipe in week 5- I am adding it in week 6). However, I also added 1ml/gal of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and ph balance this week was for 6.0
Next week I plan to top cut the branches again and change out the feeds with 350ppm at 6.0ph
@Fast_Buds, Truly honored to have raised your eyebrow. Thank you for the opportunity as well as providing such wonderful selections to grow from.
I'll try my best not to kill them 😅😉😊 ☘️🌱💪🌲