BLOOM WEEK 8 (Apr 2-8)
I've started flushing the Ethos clones this week. I've learned the BS9's are 10 week blooms. Shouldn't have stopped the Cal-Mag...signs of an advanced calcium deficiency are showing with fan leaves covered in tiny rust spots. I added it back to the feed schedule for this week but it might be too late. Probably affected the yield, but they were bag seed so I really don't care.
The last run of 10P/BD were ready around day 56-60 last time so this throws off the harvest schedule big time. I can't push the others to 70 days so I'll have to harvest those 4 and keep the other two going.
Apr 2 (4L) AM
• Water only @ 6.3 pH (clones)
• Runoff 3.2 EC (clones only)
Apr 2 (4L) PM
• Water only @ 6.3 pH (clones)
• Runoff 2.2 EC (clones)
Apr 3 (2-3L) AM
• 2.2 EC / 6.2 pH (BS9)
The thin branching of the BS9s are prone to bending and are flopping all over the place. Nothing to tie them to besides other branches and that's putting stress on the main stalk causing a massive slump. The plants were way too tall to begin with and got zero topping so this is what happens.
EC is dropping fast with just a few gallons of water through so far. I wasn't thrilled with the ash colour last time, so I'll try to put at LEAST 5x the pot size through before harvesting. 4 plants in 5 gallon bags means 100 gallons of water. Insanity. I'm actually not sure how I can pull that off with only 25 gallons (5x 5 gallon buckets) available at any one time.
Apr 4 (10L) PM
• Water only @ 6.2 pH (clones)
• Runoff 0.8 EC
• 4.5L @ 2.4 EC / 6.1 pH (BS9s)
BD #5 and 10P #7 are starting to throw bananas. Probably not enough time for that to do anything, and there's no pistils to catch pollen so should be ok. They're getting chopped at the end of the week regardless.
Apr 5
• No water (no dechlorinated water available)
Rust spots have spread to a few sugar leaves on the BS9 with the calcium def. Definitely not ideal with a full 2 weeks left on them. Cal-Mag continues but doesn't appear to be helping. The taller BS9 has some clawing and twisting on the fan leaves indicating overfeeding. It also had the higher runoff EC of the two.
Apr 6 (3-4L) AM
• 1.8 EC / 6.3 pH (BS9)
Apr 6 (8L) PM
• Water only @ 6.3 pH (clones)
• Runoff 0.6 EC
Apr 7 PM
• Water only 2L @ 6.3 pH (clones)
• 6L @ 1.9 EC / 5.8 pH (BS9s)
• Runoff 3.1-3.4 EC (BS9)
Apr 8 (4L) AM
• Water only 4L @ 6.3 pH (clones)
• Runoff 0.5 EC
• 2L @ 1.9 EC / 5.8 pH (BS9s)
• Runoff 3.1 EC (BS9)
Flushing continues with root zone EC down to 0.5. My tap water is 0.3 EC. Likely a lot of minerals in it so I'm debating on grabbing a bunch of distilled water to get them below that mark.
Trichomes are all cloudy and a bunch of amber so they're probably ready, besides the flushing not being complete. Not a ton of fading yet either so harvesting will wait until I see way more yellow/purple fans.
Week 9 I'll be trying to drop the temperature a bit (both day and night) while keeping humidity at 40-45%. I really have to start pummeling them with water so humidity could be an issue