so far I'm only feeding them with destilated water
day4: unfortunately the 4th seed grew the other way around I carefully moved it over without touching it directly
day5: 24hours later it looks a little sad but I think it will get over it.
the other 3 are perfectly fine and achieved a height of 7cm so far I'm watering every 2 days approximately 200ml desolated water
day6: on day 2 after operation the 4th one is growing and starting to look healthy , them step is even thicker than the other 3 had at that height I think. gonna leave the cup on it of another day probably and depending on how it looks tomorrow I will take it off
day7: Plants looking healthy so far, 4th one is recovering nicely
day8: The 3 are growing healthy and number 2 and 3 are already showing their second pair of leaves and I think it's safe to say number 4 recovered and is now back on track:)
day9: Today I put 400ml of water on the three bigger ones but on the outer area to water the soil overall without pouring 400ml directly on the Plant, number 4 is getting on track and is growing nicely after the beginning problems she had.
day10: I was a bit worried since number 2 rolled their first 2 Leaves a little bit but I was told they will drop of anyway and not tot worry about them too much. besides that they are all growing nicely.
day11: Last day of week 1 and so far everything is going very well.