Sat Jan 13 - I checked on the plants and the soil looks too wet to be dry by tomorrow, so I doubt I'll be watering until Monday
Day 71 - It's a little surprising as nothing has changed temperature or humidity wise, so I expected the soil to be dry as
it was last time. Oh well, the plants will do what they do!
Sun Jan 14 - The soil was a more moist than I'd like before watering them. The surface looked dry but when picking up the
Day 72 plants, you could feel a slight heft, implying there's still a lot of moisture in the soil. I like the plants to go thursty
so that the roots gets bigger to search for nutrients.
- I feel as though the left side of the tent isn't getting as much air flow as the other side. The plants on one side
seem dryer than the other side.
Mon Jan 15 - I watered the plants with CannaMax Silica, CalMag, Diamond Nectar, Floralicious, Flora Micro, Flora Grow, Flora
Day 73 Bloom, Koolbloom liquid and ChitoSal.
- The plants look and smell great!
- I'm seeing a potassium deficiency. It also looks a little like a nitrogent deficiency, but since we're in the blooming
phase, the plant doesn't want nitrogen as much as potassium, it is way more likley a potassium deficiency.
- I will be increasing theKoolbloom liquid by 1.5 until I start to use KoolBloom Dry and Ripen.
Wed Jan 17 - I watered the plants with CannaMax Silica, CalMag, Diamond Nectar, Floralicious, Flora Micro, Flora Grow, Flora
Day 75 Bloom, and Koolbloom liquid
- I used 1.5 x the amount of KoolBloom I had on my feeding chart.
- As with past grows, I usually start to see a potassium deficiency around this exact same phase of the grow, and
usually I increase the amount of Flora Bloom, but this time, I've decided to increase the KoolBloom as it contains
more potassium. We'll see how this goes.
- One plant was leaning a bit so I used a bamboo plant stake to keep it upright.
Fri Jan 19 - I checked on the plants and although the top of the soil appeared dry, the grow bags had some heft to them
Day 77 suggesting they are still a bit saturated. I'm sure they will be ready tomorrow.