Alright growmies 🤙🏻 so week 9 of veg been a lot longer than I expected but due to situations need to be adjusted. So we’re going to repot the runtz into 20litre pots this week and start flowering next week latest. All clones have successfully rooted and will be going into another smaller tent for the time being of flowering the rest. Few absolutely beautiful plants in here so far can’t wait to see what next few weeks look like, hopefully don’t run into hight issues due to stretching 😂👌🏻 well see
@Oetelando, Hi man, cheers for stopping by, I’m not to sure if am honest I’ve never grown just Kmintz before, but she’s got a few phenos in this pack, and there all looking very promising. Was mostly the perm marker cross that caught the eye so hope she lives up to the Heritage 💪🏻
They look lovely mate, I'm wanting to grow some of the blue cheese myself, is it worth it for the return? I've heard it can be a low yielder which puts me off a little
@Pimpinsinpimpin, add me on insta terpboyzuk 👌🏻 but yes it’s not a big yeilder, and the taste isn’t anything close to cheese, I would also avoid big Buddha seeds and try big Buddha family seeds as there more the orginals but finding that proper old school cheese strain we all miss and adored is I think forget lost now, imitations of it around that have a slight under tone of cheese but nothing like the old school cheese that would
Just reek the house out even if it was 1 joint of it or an oz ha. But I could point you in the right direction to try possibly find something similar a guy I have on insta from brazil claims to have 15yr old cut of orginal cheese