
First Outdoor Grow with Durban Poison, Frisian Dew & Shaman

5 days ago
Room Type
weeks 20
weeks 4, 12
Grow medium
Peat-free potting compost
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 12
16 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
birdmountain birdmountain
2 months ago
This week, all plants have further expanded their growth potential. The Durban Poison shows a slightly different growth than the others. Its leaves remain somewhat closer to the main stem and steep side shoots grow out everywhere, which gradually bow horizontally as they grow in length and weight. It is a pleasure to watch them grow. Frisian Dew no longer grows with their leaves developing in parallel, but staggered. This probably makes them grow even faster. Frisian Dew has grown through the last trellis, with a respectable length growth of 26 cm this week. A few snails have made a mess of the plants outside, but nothing tragic. The biggest increase in length, however, was on the Shaman in the garden with a growth of 30 cm. The garden is catching up. A couple of tops were topped on the Shaman to limit the height growth, but I think it was pointless. No fertiliser was needed as the fertiliser was added to the soil when potting up. One thing to note though, the water requirement in several days of heat is enormous, they don't like to dry out. They had to be watered several times a day, the smaller the pot, the more often; automatic watering would help here. Shaman in Pot 102 cm Shaman in Garden soil 104 cm Frisian Dew in Pot 140 cm Frisian Dew in garden soil 102 cm Durban Poison in Pot 96 cm 😀
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Grow Questions
birdmountainstarted grow question 3 days ago
Some leaves from the top of my biggest plant, Frisian Dew, turn yellow and brown. The others don't show this behavior. The plant is in week 22 and still needs approx. 4-6 weeks until harvest. The plant pot is fully rooted up to the surface.
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
Leromeanswered grow question 3 days ago
Potassium deficiency!! You can fertilize with banana or potato water!

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Boomer911week 0
Large mesh textile pots is the best for garden , garden direct soil is an added stress factor to control and work with u want a good Pro Mix Soil with all the goodies ,dont over nute them , pro mix has for weeks in it.
@Boomer911, thank you for your tips. I already got some 15 l Gronest textile pots. When the plants get harvested, you can use the root balls as bricks :). 15 l pots are only suitable for balcony. The plants in it will reach up to 120 cm.
Boomer911week 0
For a direct soil plant , you'd want to watch all the Guerilla Grows tips and tricks so you know what you have to deal with , also @Hologram here on GD is an expert , check her out