
First Outdoor Grow with Durban Poison, Frisian Dew & Shaman

5 days ago
Room Type
weeks 20
weeks 4, 12
Grow medium
Peat-free potting compost
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 14
15 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
birdmountain birdmountain
2 months ago
2024.07.14 The week was very changeable with heavy rain, sun and lots of wind. The ladies coped well and continued to grow. To avoid having to use liquid fertiliser all the time, I applied a top layer consisting of worm compost, compost, malted barley, horn meal and pelleted cattle manure to all the potted plants. The malted barley is supposed to bring enzymes and minerals into the soil, which will also be important for later flowering. The top layer is approx. 3-4 cm thick. They have been very, very thirsty in hot weather. Perhaps the new top layer will hold a little more water. Of course, the plants in the garden soil need much less water than those in the pots. The growth is phenomenal, the Durban Poison is also growing very well. The Frisain Dew and Shaman continue to hold their own in the garden soil when snails are collected daily... The side branches now seem to be leaning a little further down, making them wider, so they may need to be spaced a little further apart. Sizes Shaman in pot 122 cm Shaman in garden soil 133 cm Frisian Dew in pot 184 cm Frisian Dew in garden soil 130 cm Durban Poison in pot 128 cm
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Grow Questions
birdmountainstarted grow question 3 days ago
Some leaves from the top of my biggest plant, Frisian Dew, turn yellow and brown. The others don't show this behavior. The plant is in week 22 and still needs approx. 4-6 weeks until harvest. The plant pot is fully rooted up to the surface.
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
Leromeanswered grow question 3 days ago
Potassium deficiency!! You can fertilize with banana or potato water!

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Boomer911week 0
Large mesh textile pots is the best for garden , garden direct soil is an added stress factor to control and work with u want a good Pro Mix Soil with all the goodies ,dont over nute them , pro mix has for weeks in it.
@Boomer911, thank you for your tips. I already got some 15 l Gronest textile pots. When the plants get harvested, you can use the root balls as bricks :). 15 l pots are only suitable for balcony. The plants in it will reach up to 120 cm.
Boomer911week 0
For a direct soil plant , you'd want to watch all the Guerilla Grows tips and tricks so you know what you have to deal with , also @Hologram here on GD is an expert , check her out