The first week has passed, and it has been uneventful, as the first week mostly is.
I have only moved her out onto the windowsill in the mornings and taken her back in at night. Rinse and repeat.
I decided to name her, as a proper celebration plant should really have a name. As we now have a more open society here in Germany, it seemed fitting to give her the name April.
The name is originally derived from the Latin aperire, "to open," referring to the opening of flowers.
She also started life in the month of April.
A fitting name, indeed :)
@JamMAKEcan, Thank you. Personally, I enjoy veg more due to being more hands-on with training and feeding various goodies. Flower is mostly about waiting.
Not gonna lie. Just woke up and saw "April had to stay inside" and your 30W LEDs looked like shower heads, so I did a double-take. Forgot you named your plants now. I was so worried for that soggy printer box. :D