There isn't much to report. The most exciting thing that happened this last week was that a few leaves turned yellow and fell off. Yay...
I'm feeding her an organic liquid nutrient made for tomatoes. It has additional potassium, which I hope works like a bloom booster. Sorta.
It's exciting to grow completely differently, using low-tech and basic nutrients.
I spoiled her today, though. I brewed up compost tea (worm castings, insect frass, kelp, rock dust, basalt, biochar, molasses, and LAB) for my clones and my veggie garden, and April got her fair share as well.
@JamMAKEcan, Thank you. Personally, I enjoy veg more due to being more hands-on with training and feeding various goodies. Flower is mostly about waiting.
Not gonna lie. Just woke up and saw "April had to stay inside" and your 30W LEDs looked like shower heads, so I did a double-take. Forgot you named your plants now. I was so worried for that soggy printer box. :D