April looks great, but the weather in April isn't.
It's been cold and rainy in the last week, so April has been hanging out in my big tent with the Blue Gelato clones.
One of the clones turned into a runt, meaning there's just enough space to squeeze April in under the light.
I wasn't planning on using any fancy lights on her, but since the weather sucks and I had the space, it felt silly not to do it. Her stay will be brief, though, as the weather will improve in the coming week.
I didn't do much with her this week besides adding a thick layer of lava rocks as mulch, and giving her some compost tea and sprouted seed tea as I had extra from feeding the clones.
I suspect I need to start feeding her soon since she is in a small pot without much soil. Her leaves are slowly becoming light green, indicating that she is running low on nitrogen.
I'm not doing any fancy feeding, but instead, I'm going to use an organic nutrient that I bought a while ago for my regular houseplants.
@JamMAKEcan, Thank you. Personally, I enjoy veg more due to being more hands-on with training and feeding various goodies. Flower is mostly about waiting.
Not gonna lie. Just woke up and saw "April had to stay inside" and your 30W LEDs looked like shower heads, so I did a double-take. Forgot you named your plants now. I was so worried for that soggy printer box. :D