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The seed germinated without a problem within three days in my propagator. I put the seedling into an 12.5l Airpot. It will be in my greenhouse during daytime and in my cellar at nighttime if the temperature falls below 12C.
The lady was indoor and made spectacular progress. No problems, just impressive growth with minimal watering. Temperature (21C) and humidity (60%) were ideal.
I kept the plant indoors in my grow room. It grows like crazy; this is the fastest of all the strains I saw. Everything is perfect. I will put the lady in the greenhouse over daytime since temperatures are rising in Germany.
The plant again shows explosive growth (12cm!). I put her in the sun on daytime and in the greenhouse during nighttime. I supplement the sunlight in the mornings and evenings with the Spider Farmer 1000 at around 60%. Started with some amateur LST. Next week I will start feeding her a little Plagron Grow.
The growth has been impressive. The plant is outside or in the greenhouse depending on the weather.
But I had to fight a major attack by thrips and gnats. I manually treated every leaf and flower stem by rubbing of the insects and spraying them with CannaCure from every side. Also I applied nematodes to the substrate. The lady looks much better now, but the insects had already damaged a few lower leafs and flower stems quite badly. This will not be a big problem going forward, but I learned an important lesson: Every day counts when these little devils attack your precious lady.
The weather was quite rainy and cold, so the plant was in the greenhouse. Growth is still impressive. I will change the light schedule slowly to 12-12 from today to initiate flowering. It is my first photoperiodic strain, so I will see what happens.
To initiate flowering, I transferred the plant to the basement. There it gets 12-12- light from my SanLight Evo 3-80; I have create a light cycle simulating the natural rise and fall of the sun at a maximum of 80%. The lady took it graciously and grew another 20cm to 88cm. I also indulged her with a cocktail of sweets (Alga Bloom, Pure Zym, Power Roots and Sugar Royal), all according to the plan I generated from the Plagron website. Finally, today, it was time for a thourough haircut. Now, all the lower parts of the plant also see the light. Flowering has not begun, yet, but should be a matter of days, I hope.
Special Queen #1 has started to flower and HOW! She has developed countless flower stems and has managed to grow another 20cm to over 1m. After my haircut last week, her structure is airy enough so that the light reaches the whole plant. The environmental conditions were ideal. We had a lot of sunshine and less rain in the last week in Germany. I put her in the sunlight at day (12) and in the dark basement at night (12). She even got sunburn on some leaves. I am not too worried, though :-).
The weather last week in my region of Germany was cold and rainy, so I kept the lady in the basement under controlled conditions and my SanLight 3-80. I cut the last old fan leaves. The flowers are developing nicely. I am really happy with the plant. This seems like a superb genetic.
The lady grows her buds nicely. The weather was less nice, though, so I kept her in the basement for most of the week. Starting yesterday, we will have a few ideal days (lots of sunshine, not too hot) ahead, so I am really curious how fast the lady can run to get closer to the finish line.
This week the conditions were ideal. A lot of sunshine, warm temperatures. As in the last week, the Special Queen #1 was in the garden at day and in the dark basement at night (12-12). The buds are fattening nicely. I will feed her for another week and than start to give only water. Harvest will be in two to three weeks.
In the last week, the weather was rainy and colder again. Therefore, I kept the lady in the greenhouse at day and in the basement at night. Her buds are becoming heavier and are sparkling from resin. I am very happy with this strain. Trichomes are at least half milky. I will harvest in two weeks in time before my holiday. Incredible quality for a freebie. Thanks RQS!
Special Queen #1 is maturing her buds quickly. The weather conditions were bad again, high humidity, rain and only a little sunshine. Therefore, I kept the lady in the grow room for most of the week. Today she enjoys the sunshine outside. With good weather ahead in the next days, I might cut her in a week. More than 10% of the trichoms are already amber, but the plant itself is still green.
This was the final week for Special Queen 1. The weather was hot and humid. The lady was outside at day and in the dark basement at nigth. The buds are super hard. I have never felt such hard buds; incredible. She only got water. More than 10% of the trichoms on the upper buds are amber. On the downside, there are all kinds of live and dead insects on the many leaves and buds. Therefore, I will for the first time wash the buds after harvest. I will start either tomorrow or on Wednesday. Stay tuned ...
I am more than happy with Special Queen #1. She grew effortlessly and developed a medium size airy structure with a lot of lateral buds and a heavy main bud. The buds are hard as rocks and smell like classical weed. In the last weeks, the plant captured a variety of pests outside, which did not harm her seriously, though. Also, after washing, most of them could be removed. I got the SQ#1 as a free seed from RQS and it turned out to be the best performer. Thanks RQS!
I cut the proud lady on day 104 after having taken a small sample a few days earlier. I could not resist vaping some of the sample (0.15g) after a short drying period in my lotus vaporizer: The result was fantastic: classical smell and taste and a balanced effect, wow. Due to my holiday, I decided to only wet-trim ca. 1/4 of the buds (60g) and leave the rest in the basement to dry. Before trimming I needed to wash the buds due to a lot of pests which found the lady as attractive as me in the last weeks. I took three buckets of water: 1 with soda and lemon, 2 with warm water and 3 with cold water; from now on I will wash all my buds they look perfect now. I never had a fatter and harder bud than the main bud of the SQ#1 (see photo). What a wonder of nature!
Hi. Sieht gut aus ... hoffe, dass meine auch so wird. Mit welchem techn. Instrument schaust Du Dir die Trichome vor der Ernte an? Juwelierslupe, digital Mikroskop, oder ... ? Welche Vergrößerung würdest Du empfehlen? ... brauche noch eine Lupe.
@allways_beginner, Ich habe eine Juwelierlupe (Amazon 60X) und den Handyaufsatz von RQS (habe ich am Black Friday für die Hälfte bekommen, für den Vollpreis ist das etwas teuer). Beides ist schwierig, wenn man nicht etwas von der Pflanze abschneiden will. Gestern habe ich nur kurz die Juwelierlupe genmmen. Ich poste am nächsten Sonntag Bilder mit dem RQS Aufsatz.
Looks awesome! I might have to run this next time! I started adding photos into the mix this run with an RQS OG Kush, I will be getting that diary together soon.
@Sejanus21, glaube das könnte auch daran liegen das es die eben als gratis Samen dazu gibt/gab und seit 01.04 bestimmt einige Bestellungen mehr als sonst raus sind 🤣
@@El_Barto, Ich bin auch sehr gespannt. Die Sorte ist bei RQS gerade ausverkauft; ich habe noch acht Gratissamen aus dem letzten Jahr. Wenn sie mir zu stark wird, mische ich sie mit Cosmos F1 :-)
Nice. Wie hoch war die Luftfeuchtigkeit zuletzt bei Dir im Keller? Ich mach gerade das gleiche und bring die Pflanzen täglich runter und wieder hoch. Habe aber momentan nachts zwischen 79 und 82% RLF.
Ventilator läuft natürlich durchgehend auf hochtouren und der Raum in dem sie stehen ist sehr groß, daher mache ich mir wenig Sorgen. Würde mich trotzdem interessieren ;)
@hi0b420, Ich habe einen Luftentfeuchter und zwei Ventilatoren im Keller; die Luftfeuchtigkeit liegt so konstant bei 55%. Für die Endphase der Blüte ist eine Luftfeuchtigkeit von 80% riskant. Ich hatte im Gewächshaus bei meinen Autos leider Schimmel (dort war die RLF nachts allerdings bei über 90%).
You could buy the plagron pk 13-14 fertilizer as well. It's a mineral, non-organic, fertilizer. I plan to use it during flowering in traces ... really: only some drops. It is said, that it is beneficial to combine organic and non-organic fertilizers. These anorganic nutrients then can be directly taken up by the plant and won't have to be processed by the soil's "life". The fertilizer is dirt cheap also ... so ... . But maybe ruins the organic approach. I will do so anyways ... . [I possibly never will find out if it makes a difference .... for the record.]
Da hab ich jetzt mal eine Frage, korrigiere mich gerne, wenn ich falsch liege, bin allgemein was growen angeht sehr starker Anfänger. Das ist ja die photographische Special Queen, wie ist die denn jetzt schon bei dir in der Blüte ? Hast du sie einfach für 12h draußen gehabt und dann dunkel gestellt, weil die doch meines achtens erst im September- Oktober Blüht ?
@Jens_420, Ja, genau. Ich habe die Pflanze immer um 19:00 in den Keller gebracht (mit Ventilator und Luftentfeuchter) und sie morgens gegen 07:00 nach draußen oder ins Gewächshaus getragen. Manchmal habe ich sie auch tagsüber im Keller gelassen, wenn das Wetter sehr schlecht war. Ich habe auch eine Lampe mit Zeitschaltuhr im Keller. Ich hoffe, damit konnte ich Dir helfen.
Hi. Spray her with 150ppm (500 scale) CalMag in rainwater solution. She will get greener, no more yellow leaves. Why no Power Buds stimulant? ... I looked in the internet: I'm not an expert, but the plant seems to need nitrogen, calcium, magnesium -- CalMag fertilizer & Fish Force or similar ... . Don't overdose.