BIG cheez is doing really well😎
She now goes out every day but she has to go in at night because it's still too cold..
I have topped her yesterday.. but maybe I have fimmed her..😁 👍(FIM = Fucki Missed!)
it's still hard to see..
I also removed the bottom leaves so she doesn't have to worry about it.
I'm going to spray her tonight with a mix of Neem oil, some detergent and lukewarm water so she'll stay strong without diseases, pests and stress.
And the sunny, warm and soft weather is finally in sight, just in time for flowering!😎
happy growing for all✊
Good luck💚✨️ with your summer grow.👊👩🌾 No mildew. I've been interested in cheese strain but haven't had any. Although one of my lemons, has some cheese in the genetics.
TQ 💚 @Hou_Stone, thankx for your extra light, they need it (days are still too short atm, maybe 14 hours..and its cold!)
hopefully my impatience to start growing wont get punished🙏