
Wedding Cheesecake Fast Buds

a month ago
Room Type
weeks 3
Grow Conditions
Week 13
18 hrs
Light Schedule
2+ conditions after
Commented by
Bigdaddyblue Bigdaddyblue
a month ago
Day 92 (7/18) Day 93 (7/19) Day 94 (7/20) Day 95 (7/21) harvest Day
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Grow Questions
Bigdaddybluestarted grow question 4 months ago
Is this seedling going to survive? The others have opened up but this one hasn't really moved. It's still only be a couple days since popping out of the soil.
Blauuuanswered grow question 4 months ago
Pray for it Ive had one like this The top just fell off (Give it more light and try to keep the moisture high)
001100010010011110answered grow question 4 months ago
too earlay to tell but looks like part of the story is missing. why is the top bent at 90degrees? also, these are in a huge pot. i see you watered just the centra area of it... this is fine, as long as you made sure it got wet all the way to the bottom. If not, you could unknowingly being drying out from the inside, first, as far as where those initial roots have reached. Always make sure when you irrigtae it goes all the way down to bottom of substrate, even when watering tiny plants in a large pot. it's good to start with a smaller column up top... it'll spread wider no matter what you do by the time ti gets to the bottom, but better than the alternative. start in a smaller pot. it's just easier. Ensure they are easy to remove from said smaller pot -- i.e. hard plastic is less ideal than a soft plastic you can push the plug right out and not disturbe it at all.. preserving rootball. This avoids transplant shock 99% of the time. I'm not sure i've even see transplant shock, yet, over a couple hundred of them.. albeit a small sample size.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 4 months ago
Let me guess. It went without light As its face hasn't even turned up towards the light Okay. So that cup will lessen its chances. No natural air-flow around the stem, high RH. NOT GOOD MATE. If u in a tent Wet towel hung on your tents bars will be better.. If it keep stretching. You can make it smaller by bending the stem, and lowering its height (there's other ways also dm me if u want) And get between 12-15k lux onto that seedling. After its out of that stage. 20-30 until wk 3 and up it if needed.
Bigdaddybluestarted grow question 3 months ago
Is this a normal thing? I feel like I've never seen once branch start to break off like this. Plant seems to be doing fine. Just thought it was kind of odd.
Buds. Other
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LSchnabelanswered grow question 3 months ago
I have only had this happen once and it was never an issue with that plant. I believe it is just a genetic mutation that causes this to happen because I was 100% sure there was no damage to the plant when it happened. On the plus side, this is a really good thing to increase your yield. You essentially have a “topped” branch without having to do it and causing stress on the plant. Looking at your diary, you are probably entering flowering stage this upcoming week if you’re starting to get massive growth. Going to be crazy to see how much they grow in the next two weeks. Hope this helps.

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RasendeRollo92week 10
Good looking 👊🌱
@RasendeRollo92, thank you. I think this is my best grow yet, really excited to harvest.