m0useanswered grow question 10 months ago A lot of your older questions where what is wrong with my plant and a lot of the responses were something along the line of waterlogged root rot.
Was their any particular reason you flushed the substrate?
Did you find out it was overloaded with nutrients and it needed to be done? Or how did you come to this conclusion that the flush was the reasonable thing to do.
The the only reason you do this kinda of thing is if the plant is having a major issues with buildup. and I did not see that in your plants. Given that flushing uses a shit ton of water and saturates the soil it likely made the existing problem "rot root and bad watering practices" worse, now their is no nutrition in the soil for the plants as you washed it all out and added a new stresser of being overwatered. again. Soil is hard to flush as it normally holds onto much more water then soilless mixes with perlite.
If the two you flushed are bottom left and top right it shows. the top left and bottom right look fine.
Give them some feed after any flush and just wait. Maybe back off the light a bit to give them time to remover, can pretend its like an over cast day but keep up all the air circulation to help dry out the soils. Next water add in some beneficial microbes to help off set the root rot and add in some enzymes if you got em. The damage is done and it will not recover but you should be able to stop it from progressing.
Also don't water till the plant shows signs it wants water and water as needed not on a set schedule/amount. Some of the plants likely have a better root mass / metabolism and they will be drinking more then their peers given they are not stressed out and healthier. Allowing the soil to get dry will help the roots reestablish themselves. I use a Yucca extract in my water to help it hydrate and I water in slowly as not to overload it and skip past dry spots.
Good Luck!